[u]Rio Okotaru Darishimo[/u] [b]"... What the hell happened while I was gone?"[/b] Rio hovered in the air above the Seireitei, sinking in the entire area. It was an utter mess... Something hit it and hit hard... Looking around further, she spotted many injured people occupying the Squad 4 barracks.... Crossing her arms and closing her eyes, Rio sighed through her nose, beginning to wish that she was here during whatever happened... [i]'No... You needed to train... You most likely would of died if you chose to try and fight... You still need training so stop dwelling on the trivial. Stop being weak-minded.'[/i] Dropping her head a little, Rio opened her eyes, someone-what disheartened. [b]"That's right... Still... weak..."[/b] Shaking her head, she straightened her mind out and wondered what would be the next best course of action should she take... [i]'Go to the Captain? No... He might be busy trying to help the casualties or something... Maybe find Kenta or Kaizo? I remember feeling Kaizo's spiritual energy rather strongly at one point but then it depleted... ... Huu... Maybe I should take a look around and ask someone what happened...'[/i] Lowering to the floor, Rio started to walk, observing her surrounding while thinking of what exactly could of happened... Consider what she felt earlier, she figured it was Hollows... A lot of Hollows... But why? How?