With a deep breath Naoto took in the fresh air. As he walked through the town he was greeted by many of the other residents. Growing up here and being the town's soccer star just about everyone knew Naoto. A few of the older men playing chess called out to him. "Naoto, you're gonna win us the championship next year, right?" Naoto waved then rubbed the back of his head shyly. [b]"I'll try but that's the captain's job really."[/b] The old men chuckled. "Well we hear that's gonna be you next season, hehe." Naoto frowned. [b]"Don't say that kind of stuff...your gonna make me lose my lunch..."[/b] The elders had a good laugh as Naoto continued on. "That boy could do great things if he could get over his fear of being in charge." One of the other men added. "And if he keep his head in a book for more than two minutes before using it as a pillow." They laughed. While heading towards the festival a ball rolled over and stopped at Naoto's feet. He looked at the ball and then at the field to his left. "Naoto~! Over here!" Naoto smiled at the young boy wearing a puffy hat. With the least bit of effort popped the ball up, bouncing it higher on his knee and kicking it straight to the boy. The kid rushed forward and bumped the ball with his chest letting it fall at his feet. [b]"Nice stop Tommy. You're getting good."[/b] Naoto complimented. Tommy smiled happily. "Hehehe~ Thanks. Just you watch, I'm gonna be better than you one day." Naoto blinked before a moment before snatching Tommy's hat and holding it out of his reach. While he struggled to get it back Naoto put his hand on Tommy's head making him stop and look up at Naoto's big grin. [b]"Sounds like a challenge~ When you're good enough we'll go head to head!"[/b] He said as he ruffled Tommy's short brown hair. Tommy is like a little brother to Naoto. Naoto looked out for him and Tommy looked up to Naoto. [b]"Keep practicing. I'll see you at the festival." Tommy nodded and Naoto tossed him his hat as he took off. Naoto had sped up to a sprint now. He held his stomach as it made some troubling sounds. [b][i]Geez I've gotta learn to control myself...I definitely ate too much at breakfast! Why does mom have to be such a good cook...? Gottafindabathroom gottafindabathroom![/i][/b] Unfortunately for him most of the shops on this street were closed for the festival. As he rounded the corner on his quest for relief he ran pass two girls. A tall one and a blonde one who, with just the quick glance he got, Naoto could tell wasn't from Italy let alone from Trespiano. Not to mention, she didn't seem to be having the best day. Neither did the guy with yolk on him further down the street. Naoto saw him with another who seemed very...upbeat. Naoto didn't give the two much thought and hurried pass them, bumping the manner looking one's shoulder in his rush. [b]"Ah! S-sorry!"[/b] He called back. Finally he found a cafe that was open. [b][i]Sanctuary~[/i][/b] As he dated inside her noticed a particular girl. She seemed aloof. Not in a bad way but he could feel that are was a unique kind of person. A few moments later the pink haired boy excited the bathroom with a sigh of relief.As if he didn't just survive an emergency, Naoto walked to the counter and ordered a small bag of muffins. Walking out the cafe he took a bite of a blueberry muffin. [b]"Man, that's good. Mira~" Suddenly, Naoto had the sensation he was being watched. He looked up at a nearby roof instinctively but didn't see anything. [b]"Weird...then again who would be up there watching me?"[/b] Naoto walked off heading for his original destination. Meanwhile, a red haired figure stepped out from behind a chimney, their eyes following the pink haired kid.