[u]Kaizo[/u] After the fight with that Shiro guy Kaizo was taken to Squad 4 then bandaged up and treated for his wounds, he knew he'd be punished for what he did but the guy needed to be taught a lesson...if he didn't learn his lesson then...well he'd keep rampaging like a mad beast so someone had to put him down if only for awhile. However Kaizo had begun to grow tired of laying on this hospital bed and soon got up and out of it "I'm not staying in this bed any longer...I have things to do" As Kaizo left his room he picked up on a familiar presence which he made his way towards and once he stumbled around one more corner when he saw "Rio?...your back?" Kaizo blinked a few times as he hadn't seen Rio in awhile and had no idea where she went but she was back...unless she didn't leave...there was always that possibility...Kaizo wasn't the greatest at sensing...well familiar energies anyway