[u]Ōhi Sango[/u] Sango continued scratching mathematical questions into the moist dirt beneath her, answering them all with ease while Densen continued to keep her company, never growing bored of the young woman. [i]'Wow Ōhi, you're practically a human calculator. Or maybe I'm just an incredible teacher heh'[/i] Densen chuckled in Sango's mind making her cheerful smile never leave her lips. Densen may of been her only friend, but that was enough for her. He made her happy and that was all she could ask for. [b]"You are a really good teacher but I'm really smart to match! We make a perfect couple!"[/b] She grinned, however, Densen's cheeks seemed to start heating up. [i]'Y-Yeah, we are... Erm... Perfect... to-together. Heh heh!'[/i] Inside her inner world, Densen's usually blue-grey face acquired a hit of red, flushing from Sango's cheerful comment. He had always held Sango dear to him, not just because he was her Zanpakuto, but because he truly did have feelings for the woman... but... That fact that he was her Zanpakuto posed some unusual problems... He just wasn't ready to wrap his head around what could happen between the two of them in the future so he chose to not think about it and leave things as they are. He didn't want to over-complicate anything by expressing his feelings... But, hearing Sango speak so cheerfully about the two of them together made him feel... warm... for once... Despite being submerged in freezing cold water 24/7. It was a nice feeling, one that he wanted to cling to as it made him immensely happy. Meanwhile, alarm bells began to sound throughout the whole of the Seireitei as a dark aura suffocated the place... The Hollows were coming. Shooting up, Sango began to panic. [b]"Densen what do I do?! What do I do?!"[/b] She frantically looked around for a place to hide, her eyes landing on the murky water in front of her. [i]'Go in there! You can breath underwater so it should be fine! If trouble comes, release me Okay?!'[/i] Densen felt tense, knowing he'd be powerless to defend Sango unless she released him. [b]"Okay! I hope it's deep... And I will!"[/b] Sliding her body forward, Sango slid into the dirty water. It was cold but she was used to that. Curling up at the bottom, she waited... and waited... and waited until the dark blanket of spiritual energy had dissipated. After a long while, every last speck of dark energy... well, threatening dark energy, seemed to of vanished. Sango peaked her head halfway out of the water so that only her eyes were above water. [i]'... Seems safe.... Time for you to get out of there, come on Ōhi'[/i] Densen spoke softly to keep Sango calm while trying to get her to come out of the water. Slowly, she crawled out, still feeling scared but she knew she was safe as long as Densen was with her. [b]"Hmm... I wonder what hap-"[/b] Her voice quietened as soon as her eyes met with the vast amount of pure, bloody, devastating destruction. She closed them quickly, hugging herself while hunching over. Her shoulders shook a little. [b]"D-Densen... What ha-happened?"[/b] Her voice was small, a quiet squeak finished her question. She [u]hated[/u] sights like this... Violence was something Sango tried to keep far far away from at all times... [i]'Hollows attacked... But don't worry, everything is fine now... Just relax~'[/i] Densen's soft words helped Sango to calm her shaking body and relax her face. [b]"O-Okay Densen... I trust you..."[/b] She breathed out before opening her eyes cautiously once more, attempting to stomach the horrifying sight before her.