"Heh, I know that race pretty well," Doc Valentine said, chuckling as he looked at the group arrayed before him, "Every year I get a bunch a' charred corpses in here that people want me t' try an' save. And not even from just th' race, from people practicin' for it too." Zuzen nodded at Maarcuu, he'd heard of the race and had thought of using it to get a shot at Rectja before but he'd always deemed it too dangerous. But he'd thought of charging in and taking the slug out as he watched, not actually entering into the competition. Zuzen wasn't skilled enough to win, and he knew that. But now, Maarcuu was a pilot and while the small man might only think he could win because he was new and not as familiar with the race as the natives, it was still a chance. And it was a chance that might not come around again. A chance to make it into Rectja's palace and kill him in the very den of sin that monster called home. "I would have to agree, this race sounds like our best bet at getting to Rectja," Zuzen said, then he looked down at Maarcuu; if he had a face to show emotion it would have shown remorse and sadness, "And I am sorry Maarcuu, if it comes to us getting to choose who is the one to deal the final blow to Rectja I would prefer it be me. He represents everything I have dedicated my life to fighting, and he has taken more from me than you can possibly know." Then Doc Valentine interjected, "Hey, don't y'all worry about gettin' a sponsor. I can't exactly do it myself, since me and Rectja ain't exactly on friendly terms, but I can call in some favours. Just gimme a few minutes to make some calls." Then Valentine walked away and up the stairs at the back of the clinic, leaving the group alone aside from Nina, who wasn't paying any attention, and the other two nurses who were working on Neil in one of the 'operating rooms'.