Henry landed on the ground near Sango looking around for someone, he was rather beat up from the attack, and it showed with some of his blood dripping from his right arm. "Damnit, where did Shoske go? Running off while I wasn't looking. What kind of rival does that?" Henry mumbled to himself looking around at the destroyed building that were before him. "Huh, they did more damage than I thought." Henry said walking around not aware of Sango being near him. Henry looked at the ground where a mathematical problem was written on the ground, Henry stared at it with a confused look and scratched his head. "Well ain't someone a genius." Henry said out loud. [b]"No you are just very stupid. But thats okay, I do the thinking and you swing my sister around, thats how we win."[/b] Sosa his Zanpakuto said which made him frown. "Yeah, yeah very funny Sosa. You aren't that smart." Henry replied, yet Sosa instantly started speaking again like she already had a comeback. [b]"Oh realllly. Okay smart guy, did you notice the girl that has been behind you for about two minutes now?"[/b] Sosa said which made Henry turn around towards the girl. "Oh. Hey girl, have you seen a guy with black hair, probably smoking? or eating them, he does that."