-"I wouldn't mind a sign from time to time you know?" The middle-eastern man sits next to his companion, trying to start a conversation. "You've seen me praying every day right? Twice every day even! Do you think I'm praying the wrong way?" The only thing the "packi" did get was a look from his friend, and a long silence. "You really aren't the talking kind huh? It's like talking to a rock, but I guess it's better than speaking to nothing." the packi grins and stands up. "I suggest we keep moving, staying in one place never helped us before am I right?" [i]Dalston Junction... Grandpa told me about how the subways used to be bustling with folks. You couldn't stick out your arms without poking someone in the eye. Then when you tried to enter the train you had to squeeze your way through a compact mass of people trying to get home on the same train. He remembered wishing that all these people would disappear so he could for once have a relaxing ride on London's masterwork. And here I am today wishing for crowds of people to come and settle down here. The gods sure loves their little games don't they?[/I] -"I suggest we move south and travel against Hoxton. What do you say?"