Ivy had to shove both gore-covered hands into her apron pockets before she could accept Jötz's modified hand cannon, and even then, she almost dropped it in her eagerness. But it was, in her mind, well worth the wait as she wrapped both hands around the lacquered grip and squinted to improve her chances of hitting something that wasn't a tree, rock, or patch of sky. Fortunately, her target was very large and gaining, so thank God for small mercies. She wasn't sure how many rounds they had left, or when or if she'd be able to make new ones, but since this hardly seemed the time to be conservative, she decided to pour her energies into making those remaining shots count. She braced her elbows against Jötz's shoulder, took a breath, and held it thinking next time she remolded the pistol, assuming he ever let her touch it again, that she'd have to build in a new sight. Maybe a telescoping one. If she could get the magnification high enough, she could probably get it to double as a solar-powered laser, too, and necessarily increase accuracy and also have a laser, so that was a win-win for -- The sound of the first round leaving the barrel was shocking enough to bring her back to herself and provide a rude reminder that she must have squeezed the trigger without even realizing it. Fortunately, it seemed her aim had been improved by her carelessness, as a sudden gout of blood and gore seemed to explode outward from Queen Toad's belly, then a powerful hind leg, then its head area and gut again before the pistol was reduced to coughing smoke. Ivy stared as the toad gave another ear-splitting croak before stumbling over itself and the mangled remains of its leg, and the distance between herself and her quarry seemed to increase magically. The other toads slowed their pursuit to either mourn or cannibalize their dying queen -- Ivy didn't much care to watch that. She wasn't entirely certain the threat was gone so much as inhibited, and she didn't want to find out. "I...I think it's okay," she said slowly, still bouncing along with the gun clutched in sticky hands. "But maybe we should find somewhere new to hide."