Fianlly got my hands on a computer with which I can write. Here's my archaeologist. Name: Robert McClane (Will not answer to Bob) Age: 29 Rank/Title(Dependant on position): Doctor of Archaeology Appearance: [img=] Role: Archaeologist/Cultural Expert/Linguist Nationality: Newfoundland, Canada Biography: Robert came from a broken home. This father was abusive to the majority of the family. That was how his sister lost her hearing. Robert became multilingual from a young age having to learn ASL to converse with his sister who despite her disability became a pilot. Robert was always interested in the past perhaps as a way to avoid the present. When he was seven he dressed up as a realistic Greek soldier. At age fifteen he created an accurate to scale Canopic Jar down to the hieroglyphs. It was clear from a young age what he wanted to do with his life but that first required escaping from his own home. After years of being terrorized by his father leaving wasn't an easy task to accomplish. He didn't want his father to think he was running away so he started to work very hard in school finally gaining a scholarship to the University of British Columbia on the opposite coast of Canada. He dove into his studies not having much time for other people. Over the next several years he learned much about a variety of cultures, ancient Greek and Rome, Egypt, Norse, and the Salish. He especially loved the myths and religions of these old civilizations finding them to be fascinating stories but with no basis in fact. Two years after completing his Doctorate in Archaeology at the age of 26 he discovered a something that would change his life in an old Egyptian pyramids. The Egyptians were famous for false passageways and traps to stop grave robbing and the same thought extended to protecting there valuables. In a back room hidden by a secret door Robert found an ancient tablet. He couldn't make out the script until he realized that it was written in a derivative of Latin. Something like that shouldn't be in an Egyptian pyramid. The Romans came some hundred years after the prime of Egypt and certainly much after this burial ground was sealed. The tablet was difficult to read but over the next several months and with much trial and error Robert managed to translate it. It was by no means perfect and as well as translating also required interpretation but he was sure that it was some sort of historical record. It seemed to speak of a City of the Ancient which sunk below the waves. There was also several foreign symbols etched into the bottom of the stone but a large portion of the stone was cracked and worn making these seven symbols unreadable. Most likely they were like that when they went into the pyramid. Robert brought the tablet and its translation to the leader of the dig.He agreed that it was a remarkable find but Robert must be mistaken. The tablet could not be written in any form of Latin much less refer to something that looked dangerously like the City of Atlantis. Archaeologists had lost there careers for far less. Robert disagreed with the Professor but his career meant a lot to him and so he did not pursue it. Six months later he was contacted by the US military based out of Cheyenne Mountain. They told him that his translation was accurate and if he wished to take a standing position with them he could be shown many other artefacts of the same calibre and mysterious origin. Always the adventurer Robert accepted. He's been a part of the Stargate program for the last six months working with various artefacts and technologies that are brought back through the gate as well as some found right on earth. Though he knows what the base is for he's never been off world. He was chosen for the Langford mission for his knowledge of Civilization that though might be dead on earth were thriving in other parts of the universe. Some translations may be required in order to find the location of buried stargates and Robert egger to see other worlds accepted. Personality: Robert is not a people person, in order to interact with people in a civilized way he has to give it his full attention. If he'd distracted by anything or working on something else he becomes incredibly tactless with no thought to how this will affect the other person in the conversation. His attempt sot sound sincere often come across as sarcastic. Trivia: