[IMG]http://i40.tinypic.com/2q36muu.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Sia Fara Lu'rani [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Eye Color:[/b] Grey [b]Hair Color:[/b] White [b]Height:[/b] 5'10 [b]Weight:[/b] 112 lbs [b]Profession:[/b] Priestess [b]Weapons/Possessions[/b] [b]Ceremonial Temple Dagger[/b], A dagger used for the various ceremonies in the temple such as prayer, funerals and weddings. It is also used to cut the parchment which is turn is used to make the various scrolls and books that the temple produces. [b]Silver Sapphire Amulet[/b], Although the priests and priestesses are discouraged from owning material possessions Sia keeps this heirloom which was the only possession left on her infant person almost twenty seven years ago when she was abandoned at the temple. Amulets such as these were commonly worn by members of the tribe's elite. [b]Fine Parchment[/b], Used to make scrolls and pages of books, it is made from the bark of the various tropical trees which make up the vast forests of Calliope. [b]Vial of Tree Sap[/b], Also taken from the tropical trees of Calliope but it instead is used like glue to keep the parchment pages of the books that the temple produces together at the spine. [b]Family/Relationships:[/b] Sia was an illegitimate child and abandoned at the temple when she was a baby to avoid the shame she would bring upon her family. As a result of this she has no known family within the tribe unlike most of the others, many of whom are at least distant cousins but considers her family to be her follow priests and priestesses. [b]High Priest Cu Roi[/b], he is like a father to Sia although often hard on her. [b]High Priestess Raila Fara Lu'rani[/b], Sia's adoptive mother. She gave her surnames to Sia and named her. She sees Sia as her protege and the daughter she never had as servants of the temple are not allowed to indulge in distractions such as romantic relationships or start families. [b]Priestess Kaeli Lo'Rar Rul[/b], Sia has a competitive relationship with this priestess although they grew up together. [b]Priestess Rune Sune[/b], Sia also has a competitive relationship with this priestess due to them all wanting to take Raila's place when the time comes. [b]Priest Lyar T'zar Bail[/b], Ria is less competitive with Lyar due to them not having to naturally compete. The two are the most friendly out of the two although he is secretly having a romantic relationship with Kaeli. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] Sia knows much of the ways of the Calliopian religion and is considered a scholar by many who know her. She is also ordained to hold ceremonies by the temple and often does so at the request of the tribe's members. [b]Background:[/b] Abandoned by her parents, Sia Farah Lu'Rani was named by the priestesses of the Calliopian temple and studied in the ways of their ancient religion. She quickly became adept at their ways and gained the envy of the other priestesses due to this, she is currently the high priestess Raila's protege. She spends her days holding ceremonies, making books and writing scrolls as well as praying and does not see the outside of the temple often. She has a highly competitive relationship with her fellow priestesses mainly due to their envy and Raila's favouritism of herself.