Duradel took another strike at Hal. "Where did she find you?" He spoke in a forceful voice, but he was still calm despite Hal's lack of screams. He knew Hal wouldn't be a simple man to break, he had been guard to the princess after all. Then he rose to take another strike at Hal in the knee this time but he stopped as the alarm bells were rang. A rush of noise filled the air as a wave of fighting could be heard. A few arrows cleared the tent canvas. Duradel rose from his seat and drew his sword. "Out of time already it seems." He grumbled. He turned to Hal ready to strike him down as a man came crashing through the tent knocking both Hal and Duradel to the ground. There was a struggle in the mess of canvas and Hall was trapped in it was well. He could feel kicks and blows just barely missing him. Then he was suddenly yanked out from under the canvas. he was face to face with Kat once again and also another man who simply grinned and without a word turned away and cut down an attacker. Kat threw her arms around his neck, having to lift her arms over his head to do so, she was still bound. "You're ok!" She nearly had to shout into his ear to be heard over the roar of combat. She was soaking wet, she had a bloody nose too but looked to be in good condition otherwise. She looked at him with a slight smile before she was forced to look away as the man that had been quite silent shoved them both in a direction he wanted them. He was moving them out of the camp with the help of several others. Kat found herself forced to hang onto Hal more than she had planned to stay up, her arms rather trapped as she stumbled but quickly regained her feet before she could release poor Hal from her arms. "Jero, let us out of these damned bonds already." She growled at the man. He turns and threw her a dagger that she caught with a frown and held it up to Hal to cut his ropes on.