Dorian listens quietly, letting the young man lead them out of the barn. He smiles at the clingyness but lets you young man have his way for now as far as directionality goes. [i]'He is right, there is a chance that the attention may be a bad thing, but for now it is all we have. Besides, we have one of my best horses and as long as we do not go too far from the barn, we can escape here without much fuss'[/i] He hums lightly, watching a small group of humans stumble out of a bar and go about their drunken way. He taps gently on the back of James's hand with his finger tips as he tries to find a good place to start. “You may stay with me then, however I do not want to wandering too far should something catch your interest. Although, let me know when this happens for it may be a clue I wish to examine.” With that he gives the young man's hand a squeeze and walks towards one of the more rowdy sounding taverns down at the end of the street. The sounds of the night fade away into the noisy banter of the bar patrons as they draw close and with a final glance at James he heads through the door carefully. Inside the smell of booze and bodies makes Dorian cringe inwardly. However he keeps his displeasure to himself and looks about the place with a practiced look of disinterest. [i]'As long as you look like you are looking for nothing, you are more likely to find something of interest'[/i] A sudden shout from the far wall makes Dorian's head snap around. “Squire! Good to see you again!” The elder vampire puts a smile on when he spots a couple of the men from the woods drinking at a table along the wall. [i]'The young man who took my horse, and the one with the gun if I recall'[/i] Raising a hand in greeting he moves through the crowd towards them. He is careful to hold James tight and move through gaps in the bodies that are big enough for the both of them to fit through. As the come up to the table a server finds them and Dorian orders a red wine before drawing up to the table proper. There are no chairs at this table, the patrons meant to stand at the elbow high platform protruding from the wall. The two men greet him with smiles and curious looks at James. Dorian however knows how to keep them from asking too many questions. “Good to see you again. That walk was just what I needed, and the weather could not have been more accommodating.” The men bust out laughing and he affords them an amused smile. Turning to the younger of the two he gives a little bow of the head. “And I must thank you again for taking care of my horse. He is settling comfortably now.” The young man nods and takes a drink from his mug. [i]'Ignoring the person on your arm is a great way to get others to ignore them. It works every time'[/i]