After the woman had helped the boy up, the rest of the group from the front came back to join their conversation and to see who the new people were. Daina nodded towards the arriving group, a man with horns and another one with glasses. A blond woman, not much older than herself, and the elderly woman who had helped her. The ones further back Daina couldn't really see properly from the floor where she was sitting next to Brian. She spaced out while the discussion took place, about the surrounding worlds view on the uprising at Nellis, resting her head against the seat that she was leaning against, content with just listening for the time being. She realized that their options were indeed limited, and that it would be more difficulties to come. But she had survived for now, and she intended to continue living, so when Brian came up with a plan to try to join the few groups out there that were sportive of Emergents, then her focus returned to the conversation. Then he turned to her and she cleared her throat. "Yeah.. I did. Me and an elderly man, gray hair.. He's not here is he?" she asked the woman then continued. "He was the one who told me to help him carry you..." She brushed her dreads back behind her ear with her healthy arm. The motion made her grimace having her hurt arm move slightly, but she was too tired to feel the full extent of the injury."Did he make it on?" she looked up at the standing ones to see if he would step forward, but no one did and the horned man shook his head then said with a sigh, "He was gunned down after he helped me and two others onto the bus. Damned military. Damned hellhole, and this whole situation." and slunk down into a chair. Daina looked at him and fel the reality sink in again. People actually died, and she was lucky not to have died. She closed her eyes and her head tipped back once more, and groaned quietly. "How much time do you think we have before they comb the desert completely?" She asked. She was starting to feel nauseous again, and she noticed that the improvised bandage was turning red. She lifted her other hand up in a waving gesture to catch the womans attention. "So, this..." She nodded down to her arm. "Is still happening."