[hider=Character Sheet] [b]Biographical Section[/b] [b]Name[/b]: Angus Hartmann [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Race[/b]: Caucasian of mixed European heritage [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Light brown hair, blue eyes, lower half of face hidden by a thick beard. Tall, broad shoulders, rather muscular. Dude looks like he'd make a great lumberjack, basically. [b]Homeland[/b]: Germany [b]History[/b]: Angus grew up in a German foster home after his parents died; shoddy recordkeeping meant that nobody was sure who his parents were or how they died, with the only clue to their identity being the boy's surname, but he never bothered to try to seek out the truth. He was adequate at schoolwork but excelled at sports and other physical activities. Angus was offered various full ride scholarships for sports, but he didn't care for the idea of spending more time doing school things so he instead got a job and started pursuing another interest: MMA fighting. He'd never done any real fighting in his life, just some schoolyard tussles with kids who didn't realize they shouldn't screw with someone much bigger than them, but after seeing a couple MMA fighting events Angus felt like he'd found his calling. He found a training facility geared specifically toward training people to fight in such events and signed up immediately. It took a couple years of training for the utterly unskilled Angus to become a real fighter, but all the effort paid off as he handily beat the first half dozen opponents he went up against. People in the business were starting to pay attention to him and suggest that he might be good enough to go pro within a year when Angus found a strange note that put a halt to those plans. After his chat with the ravens, Angus informed verious people that he would be gone for an indefinite length of time and made his way to America in pursuit of his new calling. [b]Parent Gender[/b]: No preference. --- [b]Mechanical Section[/b] [b]Heroic Role[/b]: Tank [b]Priority 1 Attributes[/b]: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina [b]Priority 2 Attributes[/b]: Charisma, Perception, Intelligence, Quickness [b]Priority 3 Attributes[/b]: Manipulation, Appearance [b]Primary Purview[/b]: Earth [b]Secondary Purviews[/b]: Water, Sky [b]Tertiary Purviews[/b]: Thunder, Fertility [b]Primary Trainings[/b]: Battle, Drive, Endure [b]Secondary Trainings[/b]: Investigate, Larceny, Politics, Research [b]Tertiary Trainings[/b]: Conversation, Military, Wilds [b]Jotunblut[/b]: Yes --- [b]Personal Section[/b] [b]Romance[/b]: Fine by me, as long as it actually makes sense for the characters to be into one another or there are power shenanigans going on that make it happen. [b]Play style[/b]: Action-oriented missions preferred for this character, choices and complexity are nice. [b]Signature[/b]: I, Jorick, do agree that death may come for my character at the discretion of the GM.[/hider]