Yeah I was thinking about this but this is hunger game. Those who will decide to go for the middle for the loot should be under the roll of a number to decide who will survive and who won't and there should be an option of not dying but just getting injured. Maybe in a case if there's a duel and another character jumps in he let's the GM know is he aiming for both to kill or to save someone and in that case if aimed for 2 kills, then 2 out of 3 dies but if aimed to save someone then there might be posibility of not getting killed but injured if the dice would say that he has to die. Another thing is to decide what will be the loot in the crates as that part should be up to the GM. Also we need to think about how the Arena sections will work as we know that each section has it's own trap. And thank you Lady Squee, I love him too! When I was reading all the district descriptions and saw the lumber for district 7 I knew I want it as for some reason I like all the wilderness lumberjack power idea....and then I remembered the scene from the movie "Bullet to the Head" when Jason had the fight with Silvester and it was awesome so I knew I will go for it.