Alex got in the queue behind the couple, with a firm grasp on Jason's hand. The jock turned around to see them stood there. 'Alex? Wha-' He noticed the hands of the two males and raised an eyebrow. 'What's going on here? Are you [i]gay[/i]?' 'I'm bi. Do you have a problem with that?' He asked, raising an eyebrow back. This jock might be popular, but Alex could take him down a peg or two pretty easily. Alex could be very manipulative when he wanted to be, it's how he worked his way up the ladder, his eyebrow-raise was threatening, and his tone of voice was worryingly calm for the situation. 'No, not at all...' The jock replied, sounding rather worried that his life might be on the line should he say anything else. 'That's what I thought.' He said. 'Now turn around, face the front, and buy tickets for you and your girlfriend.' He told him. 'Y-y-yeah.' The jock stammered, before turning around.