Realised I still hadn't taken Sebastian to the ball, and his fairy godmother was giving me evils so I gave him a prod. Thrown a few little things in; mostly affects JJ Doe - feel free to use Sebastian as a means to justify Pazel's unusual relationship with the witching community, and, equally, feel free to have him be involved in whatever Beauregard is plotting - if Beauregard is after an unscrupulous asshole to plot with, Sebastian's a pretty good bet. Hopefully it was okay to give Beauregard that little cameo. I know it's probably technically godmodding but hopefully I was roundabouty enough to get away with it? Give me a shout if you want me to edit/delete/apologise/sacrifice a goat to our great lord Babylios'chuaschuagha. Other stuff: there's almost certainly something fun to be done with bewitched students, so go crazy. I'm guessing most of the students at the university will recognise some of the new serving staff/band members, probably even more so than Sebastian. It also gives Hunters some collateral damage/hostage risk/people to rescue, so you guys can go wild, too. Adjectives, any time you want to drop the Matthew-bomb into Sebastian's world, go for it. I'm sure there's something to be done with Graham and Katerina to get you guys in on some action, too :) (I'm just not sure what it is)