Shigetoshi was more than happy to lead the way. He enjoyed this part of the job. It was tomorrow morning he was dreading. He'd have to be up early to start the fires in the kitchen and get the food prepared and cooking before anyone even awoke. When the patron thanked him Shigetoshi turned to go. He was stopped by one last addition, the young man wished him a good night and sweet dreams. The young Innkeeper flushed and stammered out a reply. Then he kicked himself mentally. [i]Moron[/i]. He needed to get a grip before they met again in the morning. He didn't need to be distracted by his customers, even if they weren't bad looking. [i]Mind on task[/i]. In the morning, Shigetoshi had got an early start as he had planned. He got the fires up, the rice cooking and the miso reheating. The seaweed and the vegetables were already prepared for the meal. All that was left was to start the tamagoyaki, or the omelets. Fare at the Inn wasn't fancy, he didn't serve any fish for it was too expensive to have for breakfast and he wasn't close enough to the ocean to get it cheap, or get it himself. He also looked over the hot springs for any debris invading the carefully cultivated landscape and checked the water temperature. It was common for one pool to get too hot on occasion, so he always made sure they were safe and blocked off any if they were not. After he laid out breakfast, the earliest of the risers appeared. The elder couple, the Inoues. They were followed shortly by Mr. Yamazaki and one of the Fujiwara sisters. Shigetoshi ducked his head as he served meals to hide a smile. It appeared as if the widow might not be widowed for much longer. The two married Fujiwara sisters came in not much later, talking loudly about their families. The Ito family was a bit later, but with their entrance, Shigetoshi had to run back into the kitchen to fetch more food. When he came back he noticed that everyone was no accounted for. Shigetoshi soon finds himself being hailed by the Ito family. The father launches into his plans for the day, which involve checking out. Shigetoshi agrees to make all the necessary arrangements and secretly he is relieved. The Ito children were allowed to wander and to get into everything. As it was, he wasn't making any money off the Ito family. When he is finally able to peel himself away he's noticed some of the patrons have already left. He turns around to see if Tatsuki still needed "rescuing" from the overly friendly Fujiwara sisters, the married ones.