Thomas smiled as Cade, the man whom the new director introduced, stepped off the wall and spoke out to them. Charming as Thomas may be, this man was definitely more charming, as even his voice was smooth. Sort of a soft, cream, kinda like the walls. A lot like chocolate. Thomas found himself leaning back in the chair and looking at the cieling. He turned back to Cade as the commotion around him picked up with Guardians introducing themselves to one another-- those who already didnt know each other, anyway. As Thomas was relatively new to the Guardians than most people, he had yet to actually meet any of the ones that were in this room. But that didn't matter. What held Thomas's attention now was the shifting wall behing Cade and the fact that Cade was staring straight at him. "What are you afraid of, Thomas?" The silky voice became oddly dark and retained a short lived echo behind it. "Show us your fears." Blood started pouring out of Cade's eyes. SLowly, but still pouring nonetheless. Thomas snapped up from the chair. His "power" as the officers liked to call it, was driving him insane. Almost quite literally. Well, actually, it WAS indeed literally. Thomas's curse, as he liked to call it himself, was to be able to make any person bring their fears to life within their own mind, and to feel any pain that would have come from the fear actually existing. Enough exposure, and the foe would start to go insane. Eye contact increased the exposure rate, but simply being around Thomas when he willed the power to flow out would be enough to make any person mad. But he could not stop it from affecting himself. He did not get the fears coming to life the same way it did to others, nor did he get the pain that the others would, but the ability eventually caused him to develope dementia, insomnia, and to start to go insane. The upside to this, however, was that he had been extremely charismatic all his life, and knew how to keep attention either on himself or away from himself. When he would feel a bout of madness coming on, he was able to either get away from the crowd or draw attention away from himself long enough to keep others from noticing. But recently, it had been getting harder to do so. He would soon have to confide in, at the very least, the Angel to make sure someone was around to keep him from slipping into madness, as it had gotten harder and harder to fight it off, as his passing out moments ago had proven. 'Oh well,' Thomas thought to himself. 'Looks like its time to start the introductions.'