[b]History[/b] The world has long since been corrupted. The Avatar is corrupted. History, once a living creature, is now dead and forgotten. No one knows what once was. The Four Nations have long since disbanded and new nations have formed. These nations have formed in the opposite light of the goals of Republic City and everything has become segregated. [b]Avatar[/b] The last pure Avatar, his name has since been lost, realized the direction the world was heading. After gathering the few people, of all elements and those without, who still respected the ways of old, the Avatar entered the Avatar State to move a chunk of land to an unknown location. While he was moving the land, the approaching army released their heart. The land kept moving and has been lost ever since, or so the legend used to go before it was forgotten. The Avatar died in the Avatar state, but due to the corruption causing his death, the Avatar chain was not broken, only corrupted (maybe Rava became dark, idk). Due to this, the Avatar’s past lives, the Avatar State, and the link, or knowledge of, to the Spirit World were all lost. [b]Spirits[/b] All spirits, besides those essential to life (Moon, Ocean and the like), have become corrupted, enraged, or died. Some elderly people recall some major spirit-human war after the Avatar was corrupted, but no one knows for sure. EIther way, if spirits are ever encountered, no one lives to tell the tale. No one even remembers spirits besides the superstitious elderly. [b]Map[/b] [hider=Map] [img=http://i.imgur.com/pjLM1.jpg] [/hider] [b]Nations[/b] After some event that no one remembers, Republic City was destroyed along with all tolerance for individuals different than each other. Over the following years, a large number of nations were formed, much different from the original four nations. Also, due to some scientific advancement during the technology age, if two benders have a child, the child will also be a bender. No more surprises among those in the corrupted world. The nations are as follows. [b]Air[/b] Air-Nations exist in four city-state nations. They are still located at each of the temples, but they have since expanded their territory to more than just the temple itself. They have also lost their nomadic-pacifistic way of life and have become violent and productive, think Spartans. Air-Nation 1 - Udara Location - Northern Air Temple, Crystal Catacombs Tendencies - Keeps large number of slaves. Slaves run ranches. Eat mostly meats. Weapon - Hook swords (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hook_sword) Government/Leader - City-State/King Malaka Air-Nation 2 - Gaisa Location - Western Air Temple and all islands Tendencies - Warrior-based nation. Constantly raids to the east and the south to live. Everyone is trained to fight, both women and men. Weapon - Javelin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javelin) and short sword (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladius) Government/Leader - City-State/King Trasuko Air-Nation 3 - Ilma Location - Southern Air Temple, Patola Mountains Tendencies - Nation based on agriculture. Created terraced farming environments. Captures and buys non-bending slaves to do the farming. Weapon - All bows (long, recurve, crossbow) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bow_and_arrow) and short spears that act like daggers Government/Leader - City-State/King Aluke Air-Nation 4 - Hava Location - Eastern Air Temple Tendencies - Loves to fight. Steals most of their resources. The best defensive Air-Nation. Amazing craftsmen - wood carving, painting, artists and sculptors. Traders. Weapon - Flail (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flail_(weapon)) Government/Leader - City-State/King Brosung [b]Fire[/b] The Fire Nation has split into two halves. One half uses strictly fire and have become even more industrialized, although the technology level is still below what it was during the time of The Last Airbender. The other half uses strictly electricity and the nation is known as one giant mercenary. Fire Nation - Oku Location - Great Gates of Azulan, Boiling Rock, Ember Island, Fire Nation Capital Tendencies - Entire population is based on creating goods. Largest producer of clothing, weapons, farming equipment, chariots, horse equipment, and building materials. Weapon - Scythe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythe) Government/Leader - Republic/President Roma Lightning Nation - Kilat Location - Black Cliffs, Fire Fountain City, Roku’s Island, Crescent Island Tendencies - Mercenary nation. Trained in the ways of war from birth. Trade services for food and goods. Weapon - Claymore(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claymore), any weapon Government/Leader - Tribal/Chief Moa [b]Water[/b] The Water Nation has receded to the North Pole only. They have shut down all outside communication with the other parts of the world and have thus receded technologically even further. They have also lost the ability to heal using water bending. Ice bending has also been made illegal and almost forgotten. Due to the corruption, the world has been thrown off balance and the North Pole has become warm. This may be why the South Pole has either been vacated, the people died, or have become even more cut off, no one knows. After the North Pole warmed up, the South Pole became much colder and the ice expanded. Water Nation - Wai Location - North Pole (all four) Tendencies - Shut off from the outside world. No healing or ice. Self contained in a newly warm place. Weapon - Nunchaku (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nunchaku) Government/Leader - Tribal/Chieftess Pomaura [b]Blood[/b] Bloodbending has it’s own nation, Blood Nation, and bloodbending’s origins from water bending have been forgotten. In fact, no bloodbender can waterbend. This nation is located on the ruins of Republic City, with it’s Capitol Building being on Air Temple Island. Blood Nation - Jinin Location - Republic City, Air Temple Island Tendencies - High rate of crime. Constant raids on neighboring nations. Possible cannibalism Weapon - Bullwhip (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullwhip) Government/Leader - Dictatorship/Master Ro [b]Earth[/b] The Earth Nation has divided into four separate nations. One nation is the Sandbenders which is located in the Si Wong Desert, the Library, and what used to be the Swamp. Swampbending does not exist anymore. Another nation which focuses on moving large boulders with brute strength lives where Omashu, Kolau Mountains, The Great Divide, and Hei Bai’s Forest used to be. Another nation focuses on detailed architecture and cunning in battle. This nation is located where Ba Sing Se, Lake Laogai, and the Serpent’s Pass used to be located. The fourth nation focuses on a more all-around and defensive style of earthbending and is located where the Provinces, Taku Ruins, and Mt. Makapu were located. Metalbenders exist but are slaves. Earth Nation 1 - Lupa Location - The Swamp, Si Wong Desert, The Library Tendencies - Use mostly sand bending. Very warlike tribal system. Lots of civil wars along with constant raids. Weapon - Scimitar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scimitar) Government/Leader - Monarchy/King Troma Earth nation 2 - Pamant Location - Omashu, Kolau Mountains, Hei Bai’s Forest, The Great Divide Tendencies - Focuses on big boulders and brute force. Stubborn, strong, bad traders. Weapon - War Hammer - (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_hammer) Government/Leader - Monarchy/King Troma Earth Nation 3 - Toprak Location - Ba Sing Se, Serpent’s Pass, Lake Laogai Tendencies - Earthbending focuses on small, direct details. This causes beatuifully detailed architecture, beautiful sculptures, and extreme use of planning and cunning in battle. Brute strength is looked down upon. Reading and writing is most valued here. Weapon - Sling (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sling_(weapon)), Rapier (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapier) Earth Nation 4 - Erde Location - Provinces, Taku Ruins, Mt. Makapu Tendencies - Earthbending here is focused on defense first with an all-around offense. Their cities are the most fortified of all nations. Large castles are erected out of stone and the ancient walls of Ba Sing Se hold nothing on their fortifications Weapon - Halberd (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halberd) [b]Non-benders[/b] There are also four non-bending nations. These are a merchant nation, a warrior nation, a monk-like nation, and one nation that focuses on slave trading. Merchant Nation - Pedagang Location - Islands East of Eastern Air Temple Tendencies - A nation of non-benders where the main source of income is trades. They buy most from the Hava and Toprak and sell to everyone else. They have trade routes built to never run an empty ship. One of the largest navy’s in the world. Slave-Trade Nation - Pononga Location - Wulong Forest Tendencies - Travels to many places to capture people, both benders and non-benders, to force into slavery. Main clients are the Udara and the Ilma. Their mastery of traps and tricks makes them a much wanted ally. Pacifist Nation - Rongo Location - Whaletail Island, Kyoshi Island, Island west of Patola Mountains Tendencies - This nation acts much like Airbenders from Avatar TLA. They are vegetarians, do not fight, do not keep weapons. They do not interact much with other nations and are very, very religious. Mercenary Nation - Perang Location - Abbey Tendencies - This nation is all military all the time. There is no King or Governor, but a General. Every person in this nation either fights or dies. From age 3 on, members of the nation are trained as warriors. [b]Other Locations[/b] Sun Warrior Ruins - Have somehow been shifted out of the direct path and are viewed as a wasteland. Has not been visited in countless years. What is there is unknown. South Pole - The South Pole has been lost. When one sails near it, the edges of a once friendly nation have been raised in some weird way. There is a nearly impenetrable wall of ice surrounding the pole and no one has thought it profitable to go through the wall. After the North Pole became warm, the South Pole seemed to take all of the ice and cold. [b]People[/b] Each group of people have changed prominently. Mannerisms, customs, and traditions have been lost over the countless years that have passed since even history itself died. Airbenders - Airbenders are no longer monk-like nor peace loving. In fact, most airbenders prefer demonstrating dominance in a violent manner. Thus, the abilities of airbenders have expanded to more violent techniques. Some of these include creating vacuums around enemy heads and separating oxygen from the air enemies breathe. Both of these techniques take a lot of energy and time, so they are not suitable for one-on-one conflict. Waterbenders - Waterbending has become refined in a way that reflects the changes of the land. After the Avatar was corrupted, the North Pole warmed up. Due to some long-forgotten crime, ice bending has been outlawed. Healing through waterbending has been long forgotten. Waterbenders have become self contained and have forgotten much of the military. Swampbending/plantbending has also been entirely forgotten about. Bloodbending has become a separate art, and most bloodbenders cannot waterbend. Earthbenders - Earthbending has gone through many changes. Over time, everyone learned to sandbend, earthbend, and metalbend. Then, people spread out and knowledge was lost. Sandbending lost its name and earthbending includes all earth that is not processed. Even though all holds under one name, individual groups of earthbenders now have specializations. Metalbending has become entirely separate from earthbending and while most earthbenders could learn to metalbend (they don’t want to), no born metalbender can learn earthbending. These metalbenders are treated like 0 class citizens and are held as slaves or untouchables. Firebenders - Firebending has become less of an aggressive art and more of an industrial art. It is used mainly to build an economy rather than fight. Firebending has lost most of its Sun Warrior roots and the movements have become short and choppy. Electricbending has split off and become its own style much like bloodbending/waterbending. Electricbending has taken firebending’s spot as an aggressive art. Most people have become skilled with some sort of handheld weapon. Non-benders don’t have many other options to defend themselves and benders focus their elemental control through the weapon. [b]CS Name: Nation of Origin: Gender: Appearance: Age: Ability (type of bending, if non-bender specific skill): Weapon of Choice (please stay close to preferred weapon of nation unless good reason can be had): Biography (should be detailed, 3-5 paragraphs, at least): Special Information (any quirks we should know about): [/b] [b]Power Limits[/b] There is no set limit based on power, but no one is the strongest of their respective bending skills. In this new time, power is really dependant on bloodlines and the royalty of each place (except those with non-familial leaders) have the strongest bloodlines. No one is royalty. Otherwise, power is null. I will let you know if your character is overpowered. Also, remember that bending places physical stress on the body, both from the movements and the extent of power used in the bending. [b]Plot [/b] The world is falling apart. In the wake of the madness, rumors have emerged. After years of tyranny stemming from the Dark Avatar, it is rumored he, the Dark Avatar, is planning to engulf the world in darkness. It is said, in hushed tones and only late at night, that the true Avatar, a pure Avatar, has been reborn and the cycle restored. It is also said the new Avatar will come back to the mainland to destroy the Dark Avatar and protect the world once again. There are also some other rumors, darker, deadlier rumors, which no one wants to get involved in. Over the years of the Dark Avatar’s tyranny, an organization has risen to combat the pain and misery inflicted upon the people. This organization, the Jasmine Dragon, has been providing much needed relief for years, but some believe there is a dark side to this foundation. Some say the Jasmine Dragon wants to own and rule the world, to dispose of both Avatars and profit from chaos that ensues. After the profit, or so the rumor says, the Jasmine Dragon will come in and save the day, again, and everyone will beg them to take over. Of course, to most people, this would be better than the current situation with the Dark Avatar. Currently, the Dark Avatar, or Kurai as some know him, is in total control. No one dares oppose him due to his tremendous power and influence. His police force, the White Lotus, is filled with some of the most powerful benders in the world, from all corners of the globe. Some says Kurai captures a promising bender’s family and mutilates the bender’s family before his or her eyes, all while using some sort of power to brainwash the individuals and turn them into violent, loyal subjects. Other’s say he simply takes children from the best breeding stock (powerful parents) and trains them from birth. In this tyrannical world, if someone disappears in the middle of the night, which happens often, no one questions anything because everyone knows what happened. There are prisons set up all over the world and it is said the screaming from the torturous acts inside can be heard for miles. No one dares to challenge the White Lotus or Kurai. Then there’s the tax. 50% of everything belongs to Kurai. No one knows what he does with all of the food, the money, the technology, but some say he uses what he needs for the White Lotus and burns the rest. Kurai is easily identified by his black bending. Whenever Kurai bends, whether it be water, fire, earth, air, or lightning, the result is black. Air gains a foggy, thick appearance, fire turns black, earth gets darker than coal, water becomes sleek and shiny like oil, and lightning is black and seems to absorb light. The truth is, the Jasmine Dragon really does plan on taking down Kurai and replacing him. What they do not plan on is the appearance of the True Avatar. The stories of his return have been around for decades and he has never come back. The leaders of the Jasmine Dragon believe the cycle was ended so many years ago in a fashion no one remembers. No matter what, the Jasmine Dragon has been planning on a takedown effort for a long time. Their ranks are filled with powerful benders and non-benders who have escaped Kurai’s evil eye. Recently, their recruiting efforts have doubled, if not tripled. They are reaching out to contact everyone and anyone who has been touched in a negative way by the Dark Avatar’s reign and has skill. --------------------------- In your bio, please include how the Jasmine Dragon has contacted your character, or how your character contacted them. Be creative. --- [b]Characters[/b] [hider=Origin - Light Hakuma] Name: Light Hakuma Nation of Origin: Kilat (Lightning Nation) Gender:Male Appearance:[URL=https://imageshack.com/i/5nba0fp][IMG]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/203/ba0f.png[/IMG][/URL] Age: 17 Ability: Lightning Bending (Mostly channeling it through his sword or otherwise his body. Weapon of Choice : Claymore and Katana. (Claymore usually seen on his back) Biography: Light was born in a small average family, his parents were brutal but in Kilat compared to the others average would be the best way to describe it because there the way he was treated and brought up was normal. Not that he minded however that was how the world was and he wouldn't be self righteous and think the he alone was chosen to change it, he accepted how things were. Now hearing that you would wonder why he was so eager to join the Jasmine dragon to the point of hunting them down considering the whole aim was to change the world and free it from the Dark avatar, it was for two reasons. Firstly to satisfy his swords, secondly to be the man that slayed the Dark avatar. Those were his only reasons, not peace, not love , not forgiveness, but the blood of the most dangerous man in the world. It was surely and truly as simple as that. His father wasn't by any means a important man, he wasn't famous nor was he renowed for his feats in battle but something Light surely learnt over time was that this was by choice. A quote from his father he still remembers is this day "The most dangerous enemy is the one you know nothing about". Something his father liked to hide was his proficiency in not bending but weaponry relying on bending to only enhance his use of his claymore and as well as the Katana. In Kilat the use of a Katana wasn't widely spread in fact it was discouraged as it seemed less manly but for killing his father considered it more efficient, enjoying that fact a lot. His mother one the other hand was a lot gentler which was hard to come by, she had picked his name. Light a name that was given so lightheartedly to her he was her little boy. She gave him his name so that everywhere he wet he would be reminded that he was the light of her life, the only thing that made it worth living. It was all she could give him for him to remember her, she knew it was time for him to leave. He would bathe his swords in blood as much as possible as much as it hurt her because.... He was his fathers son! Special Information: Cold, sadistic, lack of empathy. [/hider] [hider=Jaeda Fel - Sonam] Name: Sonam Nation of Origin: Air Nation- Udara Gender: Female Appearance: [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6FdO5bLMpT8ZzAtSG5wWEZyS28/edit?usp=sharing] Sonam [/url] Typical and training attire. Age: 21 Ability (type of bending, if non-bender specific skill): Air bending Weapon of Choice (please stay close to preferred weapon of nation unless good reason can be had): dual Dao [img=http://dynamicwushu.com/shopdma/images/doublebroadsword.jpg] Biography (should be detailed, 3-5 paragraphs, at least): Sonam was an orphan, and for all she knew and cared she'd spawned from the air itself. There is no tragic loss of parents or heart break in her past. She grew up in an orphanage and working ranches as she could until she was old enough to being martial training. She accepted that fact and moved on with it. At least, that was what she accepted when she began to learn martial arts to function within King Malaka's army. Without any ties holding her back, Sonam became a ruthlessly efficient soldier. She did not question her orders and did as she was told. It did not matter if her orders involved taking screaming children as slaves, or raiding and razing entire villages. It seemed she had no other loyalty than to the hand that fed her and trained her, almost a mindless robot. The only hint at her hidden personality was her persistent determination to always return with her unit, all of it, one way or another- with a preference to their safety as a whole. Until she found documentation that changed her mentality forever. After being sent to research and find documentations of a certain incident in the past, she came across another set of documents that were no longer supposed to exist. It was the old teachings of the Air Temples. The ways of peace and meditation, using the martial arts she had learned as a way of maintaining health and balance, and a way of defense. Secretly securing these peculiar teachings for her own research, she completed her task as quickly and efficiently as expected. From that day on, however, she began to read and study- and occasionally look to acquire more of- these supposedly non-existent documents. During her training times she began to practice some of the altered techniques described within them and the meaning behind the writing began to absorb deeper in her mind. Nearly a year later, she could take it no longer, pretending to be the same, cold war machine. She defected and fled, following rumors of the Jasmine Dragon. She has since sworn penance and to use her bending only in the aid of others and to keep balance within herself. Special Information (any quirks we should know about): Quiet, thoughtful, may seem aloof at times, often found reading her 'acquired' air temple teachings, master of the physical portion of martial arts and is working on mastering the mental/emotional. Her fighting style is distinctly and directly comparable to Shaolin Kung Fu and Kempo in the real world. [/hider] [hider=smilies - Ave Iliescu] Name: Ave Iliescu Nation of Origin: Hava Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/XOWmz3A.jpg?1[/img] Age: 19 Ability: Air Weapon of Choice: Small hand daggers for the mobility and ease of carrying, but she prefers to throw her flail and direct it with the wind. Biography: Ave was intended to be a boy. Her proud father hoped for a strong, elder son to boast about, but was instead greeted by wide golden eyes framed by thick, girly lashes when she was born. Her mother, a strong advocate for the new aggressive fighting style of the Air Tribes, was admittedly disappointed by a stereotypical girl as her first born. However, Ave intended to please her parents, rolling her eyes at Hava's pathetic attempts at schooling and instead focusing on fighting. Therefore, Ave isn't very well educated on the politics of the outside world or intellectual ideas in general, but she has a strong physical background. As a child, her boyish tendencies were shunned by the Hava girls. Though adept fighting skills was required by both genders, females retained a more demure attitude about their physical capabilities. Ave was oblivious to this social standard, jumping into a juvenile dog pile without thinking twice. Dust under her fingernails was a trophy in her eyes, not a social stigma. Her mentor, her father, was just as ignorant of Ave's social standing as a young girl as she was. Neither of them cared about much aside from her physical standings. As long as Ave could take on most of the other boys in Hava, her father was pleased. Being surrounded by typical boys, Ave's personality developed from rowdy and immature as a child to, well... a rowdy and immature adolescent. Her flippant nature earned her looks of scorn from most of Hava's elders. They didn't bother to mask their blatant disrespect for the girl, and a strict follower of the Golden Rule, Ave was seen as irreverent to those very elders with every sardonic comment she made. Her father eventually passed away of natural causes. Of course the loss was of a great magnitude for Ave, only 16 at the time, but her detached emotional persona took care of any remorse she might've expressed. Her emotions remained collected, but under her semblance of apathy lied a teenager with no purpose. Her little entertainment stemmed from harmless pranks on the elders of Hava. With her mentor's passing, she had lost her path. Admittedly uncultured and uneducated, she knew she'd have no chance out in the "real world," but what else was there for her to do? Her dream is to leave the boundaries of Hava. Ave doesn't believe in textbook education. She figured she may as well figure out what the hell was happening out there by experiencing it herself. Special Information (any quirks we should know about): Ave is rather ignorant, and is practically oblivious to the turmoil caused by the Dark Avatar. She hasn't known anything aside from the Dark Avatar, and is therefore neutral about his reign. So far, it hasn't affected her negatively, so who is she to complain? (Obviously, she's very uneducated.) ** Note: I'm not exactly sure what culture of names that the Nations go about, so I gave Ave a Romanian surname for shiggles. [/hider] [hider=sam4books - Baqwis Feng Jinin] [b]Name:[/b] Baqwis Feng [b]Nation of Origin:[/b] Jinin [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p252/sam4books/bloodbender_zpsf0d7f6d1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Age:[/b] 15 years old [b]Ability (type of bending, if non-bender specific skill):[/b] Bloodbender [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] A [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcYVjxac2Kw]Qilinbian[/url][/i] or a variation of the whip that is unique in that the whip is chainlinked, and attached to a leather coated metal handle. Baqwis often takes it a step further, wrapping barbed wires wrapped around the edges. In general, the barb wire is meant more for Baqwis's personal benefit, rather than as another means to injure an enemy. Usually Baqwis will draw blood from his own palms on the barbed wire, rather than carry a knife or a pin needle or let alone [i]bite himself[/i]. That doesn't mean it's super effective however, especially when it comes to ripping people's skin off (which is the general idea). The cracker at the end of it is made out of [url=http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/design56/design561106/design56110600544/9767990-bundle-of-red-nylon-rope-on-white-background.jpg]braided nylon[/url] which is tied in a very tight knot. In all, the entire length of the whip extends just a little bit past five feet. [b]Biography (should be detailed, 3-5 paragraphs, at least):[/b] Baqwis was born into a family of bloodbenders who, like a majority of Baqwis' comrades, found that all of life depended on the survival of the fittest. From an early age Baqwis was taught to lie, cheat, and steal his way into safety and happiness. Indeed, many other families were of the same opinion that it didn't matter how you did it. All that mattered is being alive and on top. The prospect of getting into good standing with Master Ro meant a chance to aid in the Blood Nation dream of dominating other nations. Baqwis knew that if he were to successfully complete a raid against a neighboring nation, he would bring great honor to his family. His brother too knew this, and would train harder than him, became smarter than him. Baqwis' older brother, he was the symbol of hope for his family. He was perfection. While Baqwis went through the same training routine, as well as had the same education, he was never as elevated to the high standard that his brother was. Of course, his brother was also a child prodigy, fearless in his bloodbending technique. He did not flinch when he was faced with death. He did not cower at the sight of torture. He did not care much for the rumored cannibalism, and in fact Baqwis swore he overheard his brother and his father talking about supporting it. Baqwis, on the other hand, hated the sight of other people's blood just as much as he hated seeing others in pain. In response to his anxieties regarding his own people's way of life, Baqwis began chewing away at himself, as if to ward people against seeing him as weak. For the most part it has worked. Baqwis is by no means a cannibal. Nor is he a warrior. He resents those stereotypes, produced as a result of his people's warmongering and corruption. Baqwis is a very peaceful soul at heart, who wants nothing more but to patch a broken world together. Sadly, this is not a worldview that is looked upon fondly by his people. Not once did Baqwis ever consider sharing his thoughts with his family. For the most part, Baqwis had gladly accepted their harsh criticisms of his frailty. Poor Baqwis wouldn't be considered for the Blood Raiders probably, if it weren't for his motor skills. Where he fails in strength in bravery, Baqwis excels in wit and control. This is shown in his own handling of his weapon, which is a variation of his homeland's bullwhip. Certainly his skills were recognizable, and they have been, by a mercenary group no less. These crooks were different, however. For one, none of them wanted to fight in the raids. Sure, they wanted money and some much needed supplies, but they never wanted to pillage. The head honcho was a business man, who ran (of all things) a bounty business. He hired mercenaries to collect bounties placed on criminals, but instead of payment they demanded 1 pint of blood from each criminal. They would then sell the blood gathered on the market, mostly so closet cannibals can have their fix. It was a pretty good business overall. People who couldn't pay in currency offered of some family valuables sometimes, which the leader would auction off for even more money. It was all very surprising and new to Baqwis, and he often wondered why they would do all this. He never told his family he was a bounty hunter, knowing fair well they would rather him go overseas and pillage for the motherland. When asked about his work outside of the house or his training, or even school, Baqwis would tell them that he was still waiting for Master Ro to chose him for his next deployment. This worked, until one of his family members found that there was a good chance the boy was bluffing, and suggested that he was kicked out like a dog to fend for himself if he couldn't take his training seriously enough. Baqwis would be lying if he ever said he was disappointed. He was heartbroken for sure, but he somehow felt that he was looking forward to the day he could leave his family behind. His own regret was that they didn't choose to do it any sooner. Baqwis later moved in an apartment with one of his partners. The two of them lived just above what was perhaps the creepiest old lady ever, who apparently ran some sort of "soup shop". The two carried out their boss' business as usually until very special day. It was announced to the group of mercenaries that finally, after days of business, they had enough money to buy for themselves a yacht, on which they were to travel to other lands. They were going to start their own small colony elsewhere free of the dictatorship of the Master Ro, a corrupt politician if they ever saw one. Baqwis was confused, but hopeful as well, He trusted his leader's intuitation almost as well as he trusted his own. More than anything, he wanted to see the world for what it was truly like, and not through what his forefathers had told him. [b]Special Information (any quirks we should know about):[/b] ---Has a nasty habit of licking his own blood, and picking at his own scabs. Keep in mind Baqwis would rather die than drink the blood of others, so many might see this as an oddity. Yet for Baqwis, it is just a way for him to relieve his anxieties. ---By extension, Baqwis bites his nails and even his skin when he's really nervous. It's generally a good rule of thumb not to call attention to this stuff. Baqwis doesn't get offended easily, but that doesn't mean he won't find you hostile. [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIzyoKsWTA4]Theme[/url][/i] [/hider] [hider=SailorMoon] [/hider] [hider=Masaki Haruna] [/hider] [hider=Dethran - Victor Canna Erde] [b]Name:[/b] Victor Cannae [b]Nation of Origin:[/b] Erde [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0fcWhZyGXEMWjZfZEJXX0xpNDg/edit?usp=sharing]Victor Cannae[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Ability:[/b] Earthbending [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Halberd [b]Biography:[/b] Victor grew up as the second of three children in a modestly wealthy, and very traditional, family, never getting quite as much attention from his parents as either his brother or his sister. He was more than okay with this, however, as it gave him more time to himself and opportunities to observe the behaviors of those around hims, which became one of his most common pastimes at an early age. With his father grooming his older brother to eventually take over the business, and his mother trying to teach his younger sister the more delicate arts in the hopes that she may one day grow into a "proper lady," Victor was often left to his own devices. This often meant that he would find a good perch from which to watch the people of Erde go by and just see what he could learn by observing. When he eventually found himself on a perch overlooking the training yard of one of the barracks, he was enthralled by both the bending and combat training going on below him, and wound up returning to that same perch every day for the next couple of weeks, memorizing the practice routines and mimicking them later so that he could be like all the men in their fancy uniforms. A captain of the guard soon began to notice the little face watching from his perch nearly every day, and called him down to talk. After hearing Victor's story, he scrawled out a brief note, which he then sealed and handed to Victor with instructions to take the letter to a certain old friend of the captain the next day. Victor then nodded and started running home, stopping to turn back and throw something very closely resembling a guardsman's salute at the captain before carrying on the rest of the way home. When he followed the captain's instructions the next day, he found himself knocking on a door decorated with a dragon winding through a field of white flowers. The man who answered seemed slightly older than the captain, and was rather gruff until Victor showed him the seal on his letter, at which point he invited Victor in to a sitting room while he broke open the letter and scanned through it. He then said that, while he wouldn't normally take such a young pupil, he trusted the captain's opinion, and would give Victor a chance. Victor was to report to him when the sun rose each morning, and stay to learn until the sun had set. Over the following years, the Victor progressed from basic staff-work through to practice with real halberds, and from basic meditation exercises to center himself and bend more efficiently to full-on bending combat trials designed to see how long he could last before his own bending broke him and push him further. He eventually grew stagnant with the defensive nature of the combat he was learning, and asked his teacher what he would have to do to learn other styles, in case there was ever a situation in which the mostly defensive techniques he was being taught would not be sufficient. Pleasantly surprised by the question, his teacher told him that him asking that question was sufficient, and that he was ready to go out in search of a new teacher. He then dug out a small token, about the size of a coin, telling Victor to look for the dragon on his door, and that, as long as he had the token, or his teacher's name, a new teacher would not be too far to find. Over the next few days, he continued training with his teacher on a lighter schedule, using the extra time to make arrangements before he left. On the day of his 16th birthday, Victor finally left the city, going out to explore and learn, getting work when he could to supplement his funds, working as anything from hired help to a mercenary, occasionally finding his teacher's dragon painted on a door or wall. He would sometimes find a new teacher there, though he never stayed with them very long (maybe a couple of months at most), and he would also often find jobs there, some of which would have him working with other types of benders. When between teachers, Victor would revert to his childhood method of learning by simply observing those around him and mimicking their techniques until he could incorporate them into his own. [b]Special Information:[/b] Has been maintaining his original teacher's strict training regimen, including meditation and bending practice, to continue improving both his stamina and proficiency. Has also been observing the styles of very different benders, attempting to incorporate their bending techniques into his earthbending. After working a job or two alongside benders who could work with metal, and hearing their stories claiming origins from a long-forgotten earthbender, who supposedly developed the new technique while still a child, he has also been determined to teach himself metalbending (though the progress on that particular front has been rather slow, requiring large amounts of effort for relatively little return, especially in comparison with his normal earthbending). [/hider] [hider= Lei Sheng Otoko] Name: Lei Sheng Otoko Nation of Origin: Presumed Kilat Gender: Male Appearance: [img=http://i596.photobucket.com/albums/tt47/Furry_MegJade_photos/11_JaceBeleren.jpg] Lei Sheng is a burly man with a lightning shaped scar over his right eye. No one knows how he got it. His eyes are golden on the outer edge of his iris, but the inner edge is bright, electric blue. Some say he was struck by lightning as a kid, but no one knows. His arms and legs are covered with lightning bolt tattoos that would remind someone who knew of such things of airbender tattoos. The coloration of these tattoos is exactly like his lightning. Age: 42 Ability: Lightning Weapon of Choice: Whip sword [img=http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae219/ICSYL/Shintaion%20Triad%20Pictures/Scorpion_by_malmida.jpg] Biography: Lei Sheng is a very powerful lightning bender. No one knows about his past, nor what he really looks like. People who see him have no idea he is the head of the Jasmine Dragon. He goes by Menoso around people who don’t know his identity. Special Information (any quirks we should know about): Lei Sheng’s lightning is a brilliant gold with an electric blue stripe down the center of the bolt. He rarely smiles, and his voice booms like thunder. [/hider]