Barely a squeak escaped Klara's worn, red sneakers as she strode across the international terminal of the LAX, as if she were entering the circus ring albeit at somewhat more of a frantic pace than was customary. The increasing chaos supplied by these foreign and hence altogether [i]stranger[/i] strangers, huddled around every television, door and window in terrible curiosity, made it more like wading through snow. The American airport already had an air of another country - expansive and unfamiliar. Moot did her best to remain focused despite this and her increasing jet-lag, eyes scouring the masses for any sign of her fellow performers or, more importantly to her, Daniel the clown and her lover. It had been an hour and 45 minutes since they disappeared but still no sign nor response to calls and texts. The people were less than helpful, perhaps due to their current focus on the 'quarantine' on this state or simply their difficultly communicating with the speechless. Klara tapped another on the shoulder, a shorter and balding man with a coffee-like complexion. He flinched in surprize, not having heard her approach and cautiously turned to face the acrobatic young woman. Moot waved a little hello and held up a smallish, slightly damaged photograph - it was of Klara and Daniel, she point to the latter. With a free had she began to sign a question but he was already shuffling away mumbling something about charities. She sighed in exasperation, wandering in to the nearest restaurant selling coffee and sitting in the vacant chair by a young african american woman. Klara rubbed the bridge of her nose, eyes scrunched closed. As the military annoucement blares out across the building, Moot strained to translate it. She knew english but was somewhat out of practice. Something about soldiers and a lockdown of somekind on the area. Klara made a silent prayer that Daniel was not outside - true enough, she had no religion but the news screens showed such horrors.... it was then Moot finally noticed the tears running diwn the woman's face. She made a thoughtful grimace at rapped her fingers twice sharply on the table beside her.