Awesome! I'm glad to see we have a few people interested in subjecting fictional characters through torture inducing challenages. It's nice to know I'm not the only sane person out here :P We could still use a few more people though. At the least, I would like to have five characters on each team. Six at most. But anyway, I'm currently looking for suggestions and thoughts on how to best approach the idea of doing confessionals and sabotaging. --- [hider=Confessionals:]I want the confessionals to act as a means of informing the "audience" what your character's true intentions/plans and as a portal to your character's inner thoughts about current/recent/past/future events. My initial idea is to have confessionals be private to contestants until they get voted off. Once voted off your character will then be granted access to all confessionals allowing them to learn about other characters' dark secerts. Additionally, it will give your characters the knowledge of who betrayed who, which may in turn make your character wish to seek vengence (creating more drama and/or chances for comedy). I like this idea of keeping confessionals private, although I feel like a good amount of the fun of this rp may come from reading the confessionals. This is where your input comes in. I want to hear what you all think I should do. would you rather I keep them private, availible to everyone, or both? Confessionals will be seperate from the actual RP. So I'm thinking making one big google doc (or something else) for all of them.[/hider] --- [hider=Sabotage:]Sabotage has played a huge role in Total Drama mainly due to the series villains being... well... villainous all the time. Sabotaged has ranged from destroying property of other contestants to sabotaging equipment used in challeges to even obtaining access of secret camera footage of other characters. One of the most important things about being a sucessful villain in Total Drama is making sure that your character does not get caught, because if you get caught, you get voted off. This is why I feel that sabotages should most definately be kept private to everyone still in the game. It will help maintain an air of mystery and will prevent rpers from worrying about some other contestant magically finding out about their villainous methods. Here is my current thoughts on what the steps should be for a player to commit an act of sabotage: 1) The player must pm me what they plan to do and how they plan to accomplish it. 2) I will give them the ok for whether or not I deem their plan acceptable. 3) If I deem it acceptable, I will make a note of the act committed and who did it. 4) I will then alert players what has been sabotaged. I won't mention who did it. 5) Players will then incorperate the event into their future posts. Players may commit an act of sabotage whenever they want, however just because I keep their request private doesn't mean I will always allow them to get away with it. Based on how often a character commits an act of sabotage I may decide to make a contestant become a witness to the crime. Just how much that witness has seen will be determined by me. Witnesses will be informed that they have witnessed a crime anonymously, which will open several new strageties for playing the game, such as allowing player to frame other players by pretending to have witnessed a crime. On ocassion, a witness will be provided with evidence to back up the claim. Much like with the confessional, after getting voted out, players will have access to the document listing who has commited an act of sabotage.[/hider] --- So yeah, that is how I plan to implement sabotaging and confessionals. What are your thoughts on this?