Please ignore the OOC in the title [color=#0080FF]​Hello, welcome to Hana Academy. Here you will be taught at this beautiful school. There are so many things here that you can do! Well, the first is that you can practice on riding horses, that is if you want to. Archer is also an option here, so is sculpting, dance practices of the finest songs, and even some facinating sports. We do have dorms for the students who live on campus. One side for the boys, and the other for the girls. Its a very nice school, it even has a fountain in front of the school. Every week, on the main board, they have the top ten students with the best grades up. Since this academy has a lot of unusual classes, it may be tough for some students to have very good grades. Oh, but the students who do get on the board will get a special treatment, like getting lobster or something else from the lunch room for a week. I do hope that you like this School a​​nd would love to attend!~[/color] ​ (It wouldnt let me put up the picture..) [color=#00BFFF]​Hana Acedemy is a beautiful school. As you can see, there is a fountain in front of the building, the two dorms beside of the school (The girls dorm is on the left while the boys dorm is on the right.) On the side of the school (Which you cannot see,) is a green house filled with gorgous flowers, like Roses and Lillies plus many more. The giant building in the back is where the gymnasium is, it even has a pool! The open area, behind the boys dorm is where horse back riding is. Archery is all the way in the back of the school. The two front buildings (Which are the first two buildings when you walk to the school,) are where the lunch rooms are. If you want to see the main Bulliton board where the grades are, just walk into the main door, and the main board should be right there, near the office. Animals are welcome here on campus, but only two per student, and they have to have a colar on saying on who their owner is and what room number the​​y live at. The students are also allowed to not live at the dorms if they wish. ~Classes~ Usual classes (Science, history, ect.) Archery, Horse back riding Dance classes, Gardening, Sculpting, Choir, Ballet (Any other classes that you would like please tell me. Every day will have 3 (or more) classes from your schedual to that day and the rest of the classes the other day. If you have more than one classes; Example, if you have 9, you will have 3 classes a day, Your schedual may be off from others though. [/color] [hider=CS Example][color=#8080FF]Character Sheet Example ~Name~ ~Gender~ ~Age~ ~Appearance~ (If not just use a picture, thats actually best, but its up to you) ~Personality~ ~Crush(es)~ ~Relationships~ (Friends wise) ~Family~ ~Classes~ (At least six) ~Small Bio~[/color][/hider] [color=#BFFFFF]____________________________________________________________________[/color] Characters: Students [hider=Lana Crio][color=#BF00FF][size=85][b][img][/img] ~Name~ Lana Crio ~Gender~ Female ~Age~ 16 ~Personality~ Out going, Nice, Bashful; Lana is a sweet, rather bold girl. Her expressions in her face are usually calm and happy. She smiles alot when near people, and acts nice when talking to strangers. She can be mad at times, but its usually because of her brother or her old friends. ~Crush(es)~ "Romance? Ha! Studying is what Im doing!" ~Relationships~ Her Brother/Teacher, Shawn; Mike, One of her best friend [url=]Jack Shion[/url] Jack is Lana's best friends from childhood. He has better grades than Lana, but because of his condition, he isnt allowed to travel far. [url=]Mike Howard[/url] A delinquent that was forced to go to school where Lana use to go to. He stopped doing bad after he met Lana and Jack. He quickly became close friends with them as they started to do minor pranks to people. ~Family~ Shawn (Brother) Millie (Mother) Scott (Little brother) Frank (Father; Deceased) ~Classes Algebra II ("I hate math! But its one of my best subjects.") English ("I would love it if my brother was my teacher.") Archery ("I adore this class so much!" --- World History II ("One of the classes that makes me not be on the top ten.." Gardening ("I always loved the flowers at this school, now I get to plant them!" Biology ("My favorite subject, besides Archery. I dont mind it that my brother is my teacher." ~Small Bio~ Lana is a nice girl, who loves archery. She gotten into this school because of her brother, who happens to be a teacher. She is very smart and wishes to be one of the top students, but one of her classes makes her not. She enjoys food that her brother makes, and playing video games with him when she stays at his house. She wanted her brother to be pleased with her, so she joined this school.[/hider] [hider=Marcus Klein][color=#40FF00][img]!_long_hair_noizi_ito_scan_solo_anime_girl.jpg[/img] ~Name~ Marcus Klein ~Gender~ Hideyoshi... I mean Male ~Age~ 16 ~Personality~ Marcus knows he looks girly. He even has girly tendencies. He loves to dress up in girly clothing. He takes advantages of his looks sometimes and acts like a girl to get male strangers to do things for him. He finds amusement in people's confusion and won't let anyone know his true sex unless directly asked. He takes great pleasure in joking around and loves to smile. He likes to keep track of the people he knows and time how long it takes for them to find out his true sex. Flower gardens and acting are two strong passions of his. He loves anime and manga, and don't get him started with cosplay. ~Crush(es)~ "I like girls... girls are nice... They just find my looks... girly?" ~Relationships~ (Friends wise) Only having just started here he has no friends. ~Family~ Mother and Father are divorced, so he was raised by his Father who let him do whatever he liked. ~Classes~ General Art Acting 1 English --- Gardening World History II Algebra I ~Small Bio~ A prodigy with acting even the faculty have a hard time believing he's actually a guy. He got into the school because of it. He looks forward to the confusion that he'll bring to the student body.[/b][/size][/color][/hider] [Hider=Maria Rockwell][color=#00FFFF][img][/img] ~Name~ Maria Rockwell ~Gender~ Female ~Age~ 17 ~Personality~ Maria is very laid back. She's feisty when insulted and enjoys music. She is very laid back and makes mostly average grades. She smart enough that if she tried, she could do much better. She doesn't really like her family life, her mother and father very near splitting up and her poor little sister stuck in the middle of it all. Maria does very few sports, though she is fairly good at them. She spends most of her time either in the art room or the music room. ~Crush(es)~ "I don't have anyone like that. Not that anyone would like me, anyway." ~Relationships~ (Friends wise) "I don't have friends either. Like I said, not many people like me." ~Family~ Ann [Mother] Tom [Father] Lucy [Sister] ~Classes~ (At least six) English ["A decent enough subject..."] Music ["My passion."] Art ["It's nice..."] --------------- Algebra II ["Not my best subject, but I do okay."] Choir ["A subset of my passion."] Biology ["Not exactly my favorite subject of all time. In fact, I hate it."] Dance ["Music is involved, of course I love it."] ~Small Bio~ Maria grew up with her parents constantly bickering. Heaven know why they decided to have another child. In order to get away from them, Maria decided to try Hana Academy, hoping to find some relief. And maybe, if it's good enough, she'll have Lucy sent here as well.[/color][/hider] [hider=Richard Elmsley]~Name~ Richard Elmsley ~Gender~ Male ~Age~ 17 ~Appearance~ [img][/img] ~Personality~ Richard is known to be careless and stress-free, like an arrow in flight. He would talk to almost anyone and listen to (but not giving sympathy) to anything said by another person. He is generally nice to other people around him, but a little mischief sometimes adds a little kick to it. He isn't exactly a goody-two-shoes either. [color=#00FF00][i]"I guess I'll act the way I want to and whenever..."[/i][/color] ~Crush(es)~ [color=#00FF00][i]"Crushes? Many. Names? I ain't tellin' you. Not yet, at least."[/i][/color] ~Relationships~ (Friends wise) [color=#00FF00][i]"I have a general idea of some of the people in my class. Otherwise, not really."[/i][/color] ~Family~ Cobalt Elmsley (Father) Tamlynn Elmsley (Step-Mother) Regina Elmsley (Half/Step Little Sister) ~Classes~ (At least six) Archery Extension 2 Mathematics English (Standard) Physical Education Dance ~Small Bio~ Richard Elmsley was actually brought up a normal child. He lived happily with his father and biological mother up to the age of five and Richard was taken into his father's custody. He doesn't remember what exactly happened between them, but he was told that his biological mother would visit him once in a while. His father was later remarried in the same year with another woman who was kind and caring. Richard is in good terms with the step mother and after a year she bore a sister for Richard. Of course, the big brother loves his little sister so much that he plays and hangs around her a lot. When he went to pre school and primary school, going home and looking for his sister was his favourite thing to do. They remained to be in a good relationship up to high school where Richard seemingly matures and began to slowly become independent with his actions. His highschool subjects was approved by both of his parents. Standard English would help him write, and his heavy emphasis on Mathematics would allow him to acquire a good job later in life. Archery was something he liked to do and seemingly passionate about. Dance, like Archery-- was something that he appreciates. Physical Education is to keep his body in check and also learn more about his body. [color=#00FF00][i]"I guess school could be worse, but seeing how it's setting us up for what's out there, it's better if I follow along. Doesn't mean that I'll always follow..."[/i][/color] - Richard Elmsley.[/hider] [hider=Jinx][img][/img] [i]~Name~[/i] Emily 'Jinx' Scott [i]~Gender~[/i] Female [i]~Age~[/i] 18 [i]~Personality~[/i] Jinx likes to cause trouble for herself and other people, which would include pranks, not following the rules, or pushing people to their breaking point. She's school smart but hardly ever shows it, since she has better things to do, and think about; like dancing, singing, and acting. She's full of energy, and can't sit for more then five minutes before she gets restless, Jinx brings the party into life, wanting none of her life to dull. [i]~Crush(es)~[/i] "Boy, girl. Girl, boy, whatever as long as you can keep up with me and not drag me down, then I might keep you around." [i]~Relationships~[/i] "Simply ask me to be your friend, and it's a done deal." [i]~Family~[/i] John Scott (Father) Ethan Scott (Father) Jacob Scott (Brother) [i]~Classes~[/i] English Biology Ballet ----- Dance class Choir Acting [i]~Small Bio~[/i] Jinx was bought up in a different house old then most children. When she was born, her mother was a young teen, who had been raped, and the young mother didn't have the heart to adopt the baby, but didn't have the money or time for a baby either. So Jinx grew up in foster homes for six years of her life, until finally she was adopted into a family; now nothing was 'abnormal' about being adopted but what was 'different' about her family, was she still didn't have a mother. Jinx had two fathers that raised her, loved her, and took care of her. Because of having two gay parents, Jinx was raised with no hatred, only love, and passion. Two years after Jinx was adopted, her family welcomed another child, Jacob. When Jinx become old enough to go to high school, she picked the Hana Academy because of all the different classes, the dance and choir classes stood out to her the most. Jinx knew she has a bright future, and she wanted this school to help her with that path, to bad her grades don't show it.[/hider] [hider=Mio Kitamura][b]~Name~[/b] Mio Kitamura [b]~Gender~[/b] Female [b]~Age~[/b] 16 [b]~Appearance~[/b] [img][/img] [b]~Personality~[/b] Mio is a rather meek and painfully shy girl. When placed in situations she finds uncomfortable she has a habit of either freezing up or fleeing like a startled rabbit. [b]~Crush(es)~[/b] "W-well, I-I really admire Richard Elmsley. He's just so carefree. And I envy the easy way he can talk to people. But there's no way he could ever like someone like me..." [b]~Relationships~[/b] Mio doesn't really have any friends. [b]~Family~[/b] Grandfather Father Mother (Deceased) [b]~Classes~[/b] Archery History English Horse Riding Gardening [b]~Small Bio~[/b] Mio's mother came from a wealthy family and Mio lived a normal happy life, until her mother died in a traffic accident and her father began drinking. When Drunk he would become enraged and out of control. In one such episode, Mio's father struck her in the head with a bottle, knocking her unconscious. Mio was removed from her father's custody and sent to live with her mother's wealthy father. She was no longer living in an abusive house, but the damage had been done. The bottle blow had cause Mio to go blind in her left eye and she occasionally gets debilitating headaches, however the true damage had been to her personality. The abuse had left her meek and quiet, shrinking away from any confrontation. In an attempt to get her to come out of her shell, her grandfather sent her to Hana Academy.[/hider] [hider=Alex Wildrose] ~Name~ [color=#FF0040]Alex Wildrose[/color] ~Gender~ [color=#FF0040]Female[/color] ~Age~ [color=#FF0040]17[/color] ~Appearance~ (If not just use a picture, thats actually best, but its up to you) [img][/img] [color=#FF0040]Stands 6'8, has slightly tanned skin with a large scar going from cheek bone to cheek bone and crossing the bridge of her nose just below the eyes.[/color] ~Personality~ [color=#FF0040]Alex is a hot tempered woman with a sharp tongue. She is brutally honest and speaks her mind without truly thinking it through. She at times can be immature and is easily side tracked when pushed to aggression. Often careless and reckless, she finds herself in bad situations a lot times that usually end up in a brawl. Despite her aggressive nature, she has a kind heart and believes in doing the right thing, of course what she thinks is right. She has a soft heart for women and children, mostly. Usually she is able to speak her mind clearly, but when she feels flustered or embarrassed, she tends to stutter, have a mental panic attack, before avoiding the situation awkwardly. She also tends to have a very overprotective nature when she does care for someone. Be it friendship or love interest. She also adores reading manga, watching anime, and playing video games. Though those activities she doesn't really show to others. She enjoys martial arts and kendo training as well as animals.[/color] ~Crush(es)~ [color=#FF0040]"Two words. Buzz off."[/color] ~Relationships~ (Friends wise) [color=#FF0040]She doesn't really have friends.[/color] ~Family~ [color=#FF0040]Her real parents she is unsure where they are. She is under the care of her Godmother Saiya.[/color] ~Classes~ [color=#FF0040]Gym (Adores, she's athletic) Algebra (Loathes.. Isn't her strong suit) Biology (Doesn't show it, but she actually doesn't mind it) Horseback Riding (Adores) English (meeeeh) Art (It's alright)[/color] ~Small Bio~ [color=#FF0040]Alex was brought up in a orphanage the first few years of her life, up to the age of ten. She didn't know who her parents were, and she never really got along with other children. Especially since she tended to tower over them. Quite a few times, she was bullied because of it and her only retort was to violently lash at them. Thinking at the time that it was at least better to be feared rather than taking their hurtful words. At the age of ten, a young woman by the name Saiya Wildrose adopted her, claiming to be her godmother. However, her godmother never spoke if she knew her parents or not, Alex was silently glad to be rid of the orphanage. Now she was a trouble maker and a rebellious little girl, hard to handle for any parent but Saiya was a patient mother and Alex silently respected that. As she matured, she often takes care of her godmother now, realizing just how hard Saiya worked. She doesn't discuss her to other people though, preferring to keep their business private.[/color][/hider] [hider=Ren Akimoto][img][/img] [color=#40FF80]~Name~[/color] Ren Akimoto [color=#40FF80]~Gender~[/color] Male [color=#40FF80]~Age~[/color] 17 [color=#40FF80]~Personality~[/color] Ren Akimoto, for all his obsessions and tunnel vision, is a carefree, light-hearted individual who had mastered the skill of simply playing things by ear, and more often than not, does a good job because of it. A tolerant individual who can go along with just about any joke or plan, he's not easily surprised by anything, yet is also naive enough to take whatever anyone says at face level. Someone who alternatives between honesty and dishonesty in a whimisical manner, he's a responsible person...but only when it comes to things that he cares about. And those things aren't many. [color=#40FF80]~Crush(es)~[/color] [i]“Crushes? Well, I like my sisters, and I have this whole bromance thing going on with Rui-Ling, but that's about it. In the words of Yuuki, before he saw Yu Ri, it'd be something like...My calibre is too high for this school."[/i] [color=#40FF80]~Relationships~[/color] [color=#FFBF80][url=]Rui-Ling Kazanari[/url][/color] A Chinese transfer student, Rui-Ling became quick friends when Ren due to the two of them being in the same morning classes. It helped though, that Ren was the only person to straight up confront Rui-Ling about his fabulously pink hair. And Rui-Ling likes straight forward people. [color=#40BFFF]Yuuki Kimura[/color] Friends since elementary school, Yuuki's a year younger than Ren and many times more open about his sexual and romantic interests. It makes him a shameless person at times, but Ren accepts that as honesty, and finds nothing odd about Yuuki constantly going googly-eyes over his crush, Yu Ri Yun. [color=#40FF80]~Family~[/color] [color=#4080FF]Rin Akimoto[/color] Ren's mom who has some divine ability to still look young in her late thirties, Rin was an office lady that worked in a sizable corporation, but chose to quit in order to better take care of her son and daughters. Currently, she's pregnant with a fourth, and Ren's praying to whatever goddess that dealt with babies to give him a little brother. [color=#FFFF80]Akio Akimoto[/color] Ren's dad, Akio is a somber individual, a man who was once a musician and a poet, but eventually settled for being a teacher, as the latter was a more stable source of income than his preferred occupation. Nevertheless, he's a very good Music and Japanese teacher, the type of person who could quite easily write an analysis of a haiku in ten minutes. [color=#BF80BF]Miyu Akimoto[/color] Ren's little sister, Miyu currently attends elementary school, as well as extracurricular lessons in cooking to sate her love for the culinary art. At her age, she's a remarkable cook, and is generally a cheery, happy girl, like any other normal girl. Well, other than the fact that she has an interest in American thrillers... [color=#40BF40]Naoko Akimoto[/color] Ren's older sister, Naoko is a recent highschool graduate currently working in a grocery store to save up enough money to pay for her own tuition later on in life. Despite her relatively 'normal' appearance, she's fiercely independent and absolutely hates being indebt to anyone, having already started paying her mother back for all the money that was spent on her when Naoko was younger. A little extreme, but that's also one of her likable traits. [color=#40FF40]~Classes~[/color] English (pshaw, could there be an easier language?) Math (hah, I can do this with my eyes closed and still get half of it right!) Kendo (only doing this so I can watch Rui-Ling get kicked in the face in Taekwondo) Accounting (because my mom wants me to...) Creative Writing (since Yuuki was so deadset on dragging me to that class so I can be his wingman when serenading Yu Ri) Computer Sciences (it...feels so good~) [color=#40FF80]~Small Bio~[/color] An unremarkable childhood, really. Ren Akimoto lived like most boys his age, up until his father's profession as a musician was starting to fail and his mom was giving birth to Miyu. Searching for a better job, they moved to a different country, picked up a different language, and Ren eventually found interest in Hana Academy, if only because they offered high-end computer science courses, as well as a pleothora of 'electives' that counted as 'academics'. Seeing how Miyu was so interested in the cooking courses available there as well, Ren had took it upon himself to check that Academy out and make sure that it was as good as advertised. So far, he has yet to find the dark side of the school, though he pretty much stopped caring by then.[/hider] [hider=Alex Mavros]Name: Alex Mavros Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: Alex is Pesimistic, Realistic, morbid, somewhat intelligent at times and very stupid sometimes. Alex hates school only going because of his guardian/older brother. Crush: "Why does society make it seem like some kind of relationship between two human beings is necessary? Love makes us release the same thing drugs do in our brain. If I ever needed to I'd rather pick the one that won't give me an emotional attachment." (*...Takes needle out of arm XD*) Relationships: "Another unnecessary thing. I'm content alone. " (In other words more injection XD) "But maybe a friend or two would be nice...." Family: John (generically named brother) Unnamed parents (deceased) Classes: Art English Music History Dance (He can't dance...prepare to be amused.) Choir Archery (...There should be something for debating... Debate team or whatever.) Bio: Alex grew up In a relatively normal family until his father cheated on his mother and she errr.... Well killed herself. Alex older brother looked after him. He is much like his brother. Well mostly. Well not at all. They both are sarcastic but Alex is much more dark. He had spent more time with their father despite him being younger. He had his perspective and looks at the world differently. Since he has been able to comprehend everything he started to hate his father. Plots on killing him at least In his dreams. He hates school but his brother forced him to go. Also picking out his classes. (Reason dance is on there....) Extra: he has bipolar syndrome and Aspergers Appearance: Shaggy black emo hair, pale skin. Black eyes. Skeletal build. Tall. Wears black hoodie and jeans[/hider] [hider=Amalia Ferro] ~Name~ Amalia Ferro ~Gender~ Female ~Age~ 17 ~Appearance~ (If not just use a picture, that's actually best, but its up to you): Sadly, I don't have or know any characters that would fit her appearance. Amalia, at 6 feet 10 inches, is incredibly tall for a woman, especially that of her age. From years of working in mechanics, doing a lot of heavy lifting, making her look well built, not exactly buff and man-like, but her arms, shoulders, and torso, are pretty well ripped. She usually cuts her black hair very short, more like that of a boy's haircut, if it gets too long for her she ties it back in a ponytail. Overall, she looks far for masculine than effeminate, the only thing stereotypically girly about her is that she likes painting her nails, typically dark colors, like purple and maroon. ~Personality~ She is pretty kind despite being physically imposing. However, despite her kind personality, she has several pet peeves that make it easy to set her off; touching her stuff without asking, startling her when she is working, pop music, and mistaking her for a boy among others. She loves talking about machines, cars of all types, and classic rock music, a huge nerd when it comes to shop. She's fearless when it comes to working with heavy equipment. I imagine her with Marcus would be fun, masculine girl with effeminate boy. ~Crush(es)~ None as of yet ~Relationships~ (Friends wise) She's a new character, so none right now, unless someone is up for being her friend. ~Family~ Father: Taught her all he knew about working with mechanics, while his daughter acted more like a boy than anything, he was totally fine with it, working with her in his garage. Mother: While she wanted a girly lady-like daughter, she soon accepted Amalia's nature eventually. ~Classes~ (At least six) Biology ("Got to know the innerworkings of living things for a change") Algebra Shop Class ("My fave) Not sure if this is one of teh classes, I noticed it wasn't listed ------------------- English Gardening ("My mom would appreciate it if I try something girly for once") Physical education ~Small Bio~ Amalia grew up in Italy, born to a family that made a living fixing cars and other devices. While her mother wished for a daughter who has lady-like, her father wished for a son who would help him work in the garage; in a way they both lost and got a daughter who helped work in the garage. Setting aside stereotypical girly things for more masculine things, she had a hard time growing up in school, that liked to set gender roles, not that she let that stop her.[/hider] ~~~~~Teachers~~~~~~ [hider=Ayase Shinranui]~Name~ Ayase Shiranui ~Gender~ Female ~Age~ 26 ~Appearance~ [img][/img] ~Personality~ Ayase is often a hot tempered lady. She is quick to throw her tantrums but when it came to defending her students, she was found to be more compassionate and protective. Underneath the hard surface, she is gentle and beautiful in nature. "Work hard, eh? I want you all to get good grades!" ~Crush(es)~ *suprisingly caught of guard* "... C-Crushes?! I d-don't come here to date someone!" ~Relationships~ Shawn Crio - Staff Colleague. She thinks he is just too lenient with his students. ~Family~ Richard Elmsley (Distant unknown cousin) ~Classes~ She teaches Mathematics and Information Technology. ~Small Bio~ Ayase was a girl with an unfortunate fate like many other. Her legs are permanently disabled so she would always be on her wheelchair. It happened because of a railway crash when she was young and attending high school. Previously before that, Ayase used to be the diva of the entire school. Everybody liked and wanted to date with her. As popular as she was, people began to stop noticing her the moment she became disabled. Deciding to not let this fate bog her down, she continued to study until she graduated and became a teacher. [img][/img][/hider] [hider=Patricia Kimmly] ~Name~ Patricia Kimmly ~Gender~ Female ~Age~ 24 ~Personality~ Ms. Kimmly is bright yet reserved. She is kind to those in her profession and short with those that are not. She is kind to everyone but more so to those students she has under her care. She is also capable of teaching English and History though she would prefer not to. ~Crush(es)~ [color=pink]"Song."[/color] ~Relationships~ [color=pink]"I would consider all of my students to be 'friends' in some shape."[/color] ~Family~ [color=pink]"I have none."[/color] ~Classes~ [color=pink]"I teach music. Though, I'm more than capable of teaching other things."[/color] ~Small Bio~ There isn't much to say about Ms. Kimmly. She was a runaway, her parents not really supportive of her choices. She found a job here at Hana were she could teach what she love to those that love it too.[/hider] [hider=Viola Forbes][img][/img] ~Name~ Viola Forbes ~Gender~ Female ~Age~ 24 ~Personality~ Viola is sweet and rarely gets mad at her students. ~Crush(es)~ [color=#4CC417]“Well.. There’s John, Suzy.. Oh? I thought you were talking about plants!”[/color] ~Relationships~ (Friends wise) Shawn Crio- A friend that went to school with her. Ayase Shiranui- A teacher here at Hana Academy; She hopes to be good friends with her Patricia Kimmly- Another teacher that works at Hana. When she isn’t in her class, she sneaks to the music room, to see if she is playing any instruments. ~Family~ [color=#4CC417]“All my students are my children!”[/color] ~Classes She/He Teach(es) [color=#4CC417]“I teach Gardening! Oh, how lovely to be in the dirt!"[/color] ~Small Bio~ Ever since Viola was young, she was diagnosed with Kallman’s Syndrome. Her disease makes it look like she’s still a teenager. Her head is usually in the clouds, thinking about all the beautiful plants. Her daydreams sometimes get her in trouble with the other teachers. She lets her students call her by her first name because, [color=#4CC417]“Saying Ms. Forbes makes me feel old!”[/color][/hider] [hider=Shawn Crio][img][/img] ~Name~ Shawn Cio ~Gender~ Male ~Age~ 22 ~Personality~ Firm when he has to be, but nice to his students and his sister. Shawn is always a nice person, but can be wild at sometimes. He can sometimes to things that children would do. He rarely gets mad at anyone, and if he is mad, its something that was either dangerous or utterly stupid to do. ~Crush(es)~ "Im a grown man, I dont have childish crushes. Plus I have my work to do." ~Relationships~ (Friends wise) His sister, Lana. [url=]Ms. Harp (Maka)[/url] A teacher next door to him in english class. He thinks that she likes him. ~Family~ Lana (Little sister) Millie (Mother) Scott (Little brother) Frank (Father; Deceased) ~Class(es) He/She Teaches~ Biology and English ~Small Bio~ Shawn Has always wanted to become a teacher at Hana Academy. When he did, he had privilage for his sister to be a part of this school. He loves video games (Especially farming ones.) When he was young (And sometimes now,) Shawn use to throw parties. He takes care of his little sister as their mother takes care of their little brother. He hopes that his sister will have better friends than the ones at her old life.[/color][/hider]