Ashling felt her lips form into a small smile as she was dragged along by the floating girl, her arm held tightly as she allowed her body to just move along without much thought. The thought of calling her just Pete made the polite mindset she held shudder, but, then again, would it be considered impolite not call someone by the name they want to be called by? Her mind wandered, groping for ideas, while the two quickly maneuvered out of the hall system and into the tavern area. It was somewhat empty, hold for Woody, a few drunk hunters sitting at a table, and a man whom Ash found that she didn't recognize. He looked Asian, must have traveled a long way. The atmosphere of the bar quickly took hold of her, and she suddenly felt much calmer then before. With a keen eye, she decided that this room was big enough to lose something in it. She eventually turned her gaze to Pete, "Shall we start looking here? Ms. Snow could have dropped it under one of the tables." Ash used her chin to point towards the booths and tables of the tavern. In the back of her mind, she wondered briefly why Snow hadn't specified where she had been, but then again it [i]was[/i] a scavenger hunt. [i]Think, Ashling...[/i] her mind whispered suddenly, [i]Where would someone like Snow hang around...?[/i] Ash's eyes wandered across the room again, lingering on the bar where the two men conversed and the Notice Board where she had once seen the woman pinning up a request. There was also a library, perhaps Snow was the reading type. Or, perhaps not. Much to Ash's distress, she found that she had no knowledge of Snow's personality besides the fact that she seemed easily angered. Mindlessly, her hand slipped from Pete's grasp as she began to pick at her cuticles, a tick she normally got when she was thinking deeply. There was a Supply Shop, a Library, A Tavern, many unused hunter rooms, and a few closed off rooms, there was also the possibility of it being in the main brothel section. A sudden wish for Vapor to appear popped up a midst the thoughts, and a faint frown adorned her face. Vapor would easily find it, or just tell her that it was a wild goose chase. Another thought instantly appeared, what if this was a wild goose chase? How embarrassed she would be! How stupid would she appear? Creased lines appeared on her forehead, her shoulders shook ever so slightly. Right now, she just wanted to get out, maybe take a nap, listen to the gossip of flowers and the patter of rain on the concrete. A sudden creak brought her back to reality, and she turned her head swiftly, seeing a familiar tail suddenly vanish around a corner. A small smile pierced her somewhat contorted face, and she turned to Pete, "M- Uh, Pete, do you have any ideas?" she questioned, trying to keep her voice light and casual. Perhaps letting Petria lead was her best bet at not appearing too foolish to those watching in case it was just a false scavenger hunt.