[quote=Halvtand] I think you'd get more interest if you gave people some practical examples of what kinds of magic these manabusses can cast. [/quote] I suppose. I'll add something to the OP in a little while, but the whole range is pretty broad. The humans areapproaching the, "end," of the medieval period, so to speak. So yeah, it'd probably be a little like AoT, but not as close to full industrialization. The classic, muzzle-loading muskets from the old days are the extent of traditional firearms, but they don't find much employ within the Guild, since a heavy spear or giant axe tends to do better against monster hides. Medicine exists, but not to a particularly large extent, because healing magic. The folks dress in mostly middle ages-y clothes and their speech patterns are all over the place. in terms of geography, there's a tall mountain range to the north, a sea to the southeast and the climate is temperate. Mt. Halibound is in a fairly central location, so it gives the Guild a mostly straight shot in every direction. I like to think of the world as one of those convenient set up video game places, where you can get to just about any kind of environment without too much trouble.