June 6th, 2114 Day Today was the start of something wonderful and new for one Lin of the Tang family. The day itself had nothing special to call it's own, of course, save for, perhaps, a massive amount of broken teeth and grumpy clients after her dentistry clinic was chosen by a local gang to fix their ruined mouth after yet another fight, but what had the young woman giddy was what laid after her shift; Today was when her Game Helmet had arrived, and tonight would be when the much awaited Morpheus Online would become online. She felt like dancing all day, and had to fight herself to keep a dutifully professional appearance worthy of a dentist of her stature. Finally she could take the wasted time sleeping to be truly herself, to enjoy what she loved and to let loose without care! With a brand new identity and a brand new uncharted world before her, she was bound to feel like a giddy teenager with big dreams again. How she longed for those carefree days, and now the nights will be hers once more. Only one more patient awaited her, and while she would appear smooth and calm on the surface, she was already thinking of who she would become. Human seemed plain somehow, when so many races and creatures could be created. Elf, while better, was overdone, she thought as she arranged teeth after teeth with expert precision. But... yes, a demon spirit would do, with this she could get to some delicious mischief! A lamia, perhaps, she thought as she cleaned her work station later that afternoon, her pale and dainty hands getting rid of saliva and blood. Or she could always have fun as a harpy! Smiling slightly at her colleagues, the small Chinese woman made her way to the teleportation station, eager to go back home and into her new identity and life. Whatever she had to choose, she had to enjoy herself, she vowed.