Sophia tried constantly to prevent her concern from being expressed as she was frequently messing with her right Auditory Booster Augment(ABA) during Ms. Nightshade's introduction. It had been having issues ever since she was exposed to a nearby explosion on a previous mission. Due to the recent reassignment she had not yet had time to get it repaired. After ten minutes with no luck she became frustrated and frantically turn it off. She also turned off the left one so as to not alter her balance. Finally with her full attention, Sophia listens to the other candidates introductions as she tries to follow the voices with her eyes. Ever since she was blinded she worked very hard to rely on all her other senses and put in equal effort into appearing normal when in social situations. Trying to point her eyes at the nearby voice and looking slightly higher to hopefully make eye contact. It's been successful for the most part though she doubts anyone who has knowledge of her condition would mention anything if she ended up staring at their nose or forehead. Sophia was excited to be working with other "altered" people. Only working with the common human made her slightly uncomfortable, despite how social and welcoming they are. She had only met a couple others prior and they disappeared within a week. Now that she will be working with many others for an extended time, she looks forward to understanding the others. With her blindness Sophia gained an new respect and enjoyment in people's voices. She quite liked the smooth voice of Cade with her natural hearing. Sophia sat upright, legs crossed with her hands folded on her lap as she registered each voice to their owner as they introduced themselves.