I've always wondered, why is religion so often glossed over in games? We see lots of paladins and clerics, people doing the work of God and gaining favors with Him in the process, but why can't there be a story about someone who discovers something to believe in? That's because I haven't made this RP yet! Plot: a high priestess of Lopre, God of the Sun, is not only that, but one of the most powerful people from her hometown. She lives a stressful life, having to read from their holy book, the Chronicle, for hours, as well as blessing people and being a spiritual adviser for many. Secretly, she doesn't actually believe in Lopre, and owns idols to the illegal god Taeshiu, something which would mean that she'd be banished from her hometown. On the day after New Years' Eve, this is discovered and she's forced to leave her hometown, and enter the dangerous wild beyond, bringing with her the illegal idol... You are this high priestess, while I'm the world you'll be exploring and adventuring through! Character Sheet: Name: Age: (You've got a lot of responsibility...) Personality: Appearence: You're a female human. (Mods, you can move this if you want...)