Sam was utterly confused, to put it simply. Just a few days ago, Dean had come back, something Sam had been trying at for the last few months, among other things. But Dean was back, and here they were, at Bobby's just like nothing ever happened. But something had, and it was impossible for Sam to ignore. But today was different, and becoming distracted was actually quite easy. A blonde and brunette showed up at Bobby's door, without a call or anything. And Sam couldn't help but to be suspicious. How often did people just show up at Bobby's? Not often. And Sam knew that much. Still, after his run in with the short, pretty blonde, he was having trouble placing who they could be until he walked into the kitchen, just before Dean, and he heard the conversation. Either they knew hunters, or they were hunters. Then Bobby introduced them, and the brunette rose a brow. Rhiannon studied them. "Actually, I think I will have that drink." She said, placing her messenger bag on the table, and grabbing herself a beer, hitting it against the counter to get the cap off. "So, Sam and Dean Winchester? You are less than what I expected." She took a sip of beer and looked back, "Rhiannon Lockhart is my name, but most people just call me Rhi " she introduced herself before leaning up against the counter, and Sam rose a brow. "You know of us?" He asked, and Rhiannon nodded. "My father and I helped your dad with a demon problem, had to have been about ten years ago." She gave a sour look before taking another sip of her beer. "But, that was then, this is now." Sam looked to Dean briefly as a silence fell over the room, and soon Bobby cleared his throat. "Rhiannon, what brings you and Anna here?" Rhiannon nodded, "Right. Demons actually. I mean I am used to the few here and there, but there are tons ofthem piling out, and not to mention the oddities we ran into on our way here. Earthquakes that weren't earthquakes, and there was this psychic we heard went blind after a seance." Sam looked to Bobby and Dean, "So, the two of you are hunters?" Rhiannon nodded, "I am out of retirement, but far from stupid. Fucking polterguists." She mumbled. "Anna!" She yelled. "Hurry up! I was trapped in the truck too you know?!" Sam shook his head. "Sisters?" Bobby chuckled. "You could say that, but they are just friends. Travel a lot together, its been a very long time since I have seen either one." Rhiannon sighed, "And I am sorry about that, but you know why I didn't come around." Bobby nodded and Sam looked to Dean. "So, where were you coming from?" "Florida." Rhiannon said, but after that she became quiet, sipping on her beer. With that Sam looked to Dean. He didn't know what to think before, and this just made him more unsure..