Dean frowned, suddenly not feeling so confident in his own sight. "I...never mind." He wasn't going to push it. It was probably just the lack of sleep getting to him anyway. Dean hardly ever slept anymore. Even if he wanted to, when he tried, it was hard. He kept seeing things,remembering flashes that he just wanted to forget. Grace gave him a look. Dean was staring off into the distance and maybe this hadn't actually been a joke because now he was being pretty serious about it. It wasn't that he hadn't been serious before. It was just that now he seemed even more so. "Are you okay?" She asked him lightly. Dean shrugged. "Yeah." He stood suddenly, setting his cup of coffee down and standing. "I'm gonna go get some air." ~~~~ Castiel landed beside his sister, his face pulled into a frown. "What are you doing?" He asked. He took a seat next to her. "You have to be more careful. Someone could see your wings." He stared hard at his sister. She had always been a bit of a rebel, leaving Heaven whenever she pleased so that she could go and see the humans.