If someone in the castle had been told Frey had been trusted to fly alongside both Asbel and Augustine, they would probably try and find a way to bring them back down before Frey did something. Poke Cassius with a sleeping needle while they were airborne, or attempt to kick the general off and send him to a splattering death, for example. Surprisingly, Frey wasn't so much as thinking of doing anything of the sort. He was simply struck by the beauty of the kingdom. Normally fiery and furious eyes softened and strained in awe as the boy tried to get a closer loom at some of the landmarks the capital city in the great kingdom of Vallance was known for. There were the countless housing complexes made for the members of the the government, and from above, they looked like the wing of a Pegasus, the official national mount. As Cassius soared higher and higher, Frey registered his brother's laughter but didn't react to it. It was only when the entire city, with all of its buildings, trees, and surrounding landmasses fit into the palm of his hand that Frey realized he wanted to be the ruler of everything he could see and preserve it, as if it was his duty. He had the sudden urge to stand up and peek even further, as of the many things he had been terrorized by, heights were never one of them. Strangely, his judgement chose that exact moment to show itself, and Frey didn't stand up on a moving dragon whilst in the air with the wind pushing against him, and fall to his doom. Instead, he simply watched peacefully, and if someone gazed at him for that moment, they would have seen the boy Frey [i]could[/i] have been. With a serene smile and wise, sympathetic eyes, Frey would have been loved by most in the castle. Instead of befriending monsters and saving villages through means of power, force, and strength, Frey would have become the apprentice of Blanche until he realized one day, he had a power. A power that could potentially unite the peoples that had been banished from Vallance, and restore the magic of the land to what it once was. Frey would have kept his crude sense of humor, but he would have been very different... Nevertheless, it was pointless to think about what could have been, because it was too late to change what had already happened. It lasted only for a second, and in the next moment, as there was a sudden dip, Frey's trademark mocking smirk was present. "Until lunch? Okey, then..." Frey responded as he let go of the saddle with one hand to rub the sleep out of his eyes. What would happen if he fell from here? He could die peacefully, and nobody would ever tell him all the things wrong with him again. If his life could be cut short, would he do it? For a few moments, Frey seriously debated it. But then he wondered what could happen if his body landed on someone else, killing them in the process. As such, he decided against it. Suddenly, there was a sudden dip, and Frey let out a low cry before his grip was shaken loose and he roughly fell back onto Asbel. With the wind knocked out of him, Frey fumbled to find the handle once more. He looked back at Asbel, his expression was soft but not apologetic. It was... sheepish, perhaps even embarrassed!