Traces of indignation could be seen in the angels' faces, all too vexed with Melekeshar's demeanor towards their supposed holiness. Ahrazan fought the urge to grin, taking a malign amusement to the idea of angels being put in their place. And should they not be? After all, they took no interest in the plights of the earth, save for this Goddess's Calm - playing a role possibly fabricated to grant them all the more might in the eyes of men. Ahrazan's attention was brought from his musing back to the conversation as Melekeshar opened his mouth again. [i]"A blink of an eye,"[/i] he echoed, [i]"one year in a span of millennia. An insignificant mere moment in the lifetime of angels, no? If they should not care to guard over the earth on a regular basis, why would one year be of any concern? Or is the Goddess's Calm a convenient phenomenon, to be taken advantage of in order to maintain the facade of being truly divine?"[/i] Despite the harshness of his accusations, Melekeshar's tone itself bore no malice, matching the evenness in the lead angel's words. [i]"Ahrazan, what say you?"[/i] The crimson-clad warrior could not hide his own mirth. "Hark!" he exclaimed, waving a hand to the air. "Those that would hide from reality have returned, only to oversee a peace between peoples they cannot even name! if the heavens cared for the good of the earth, they would not be so ignorant of its happenings." Melekeshar nodded in agreement with his companion's analysis. Sensing this standoff ending in the crossing of blades, unless the matter was redirected, he slid on his helmet as a sign to Ahrazan to do the same. [i]"But worry not - we are not without integrity. As guests of the earth below, we would guide you to the nearest court, if Your Beneficence wills it."[/i]