Seeing the advantage of having someone with a projectile weapon up high enough to shoot at any enemy, Lexi nodded at Rain's request to boost her up to an alcove, squatting down a bit and gathering some air in her hands. When Rain ran towards her, she would have to step up into Lexi's hands, who would react by standing and pushing up on Rain with all her might to give her a high enough boost. The alcove wasn't too terribly high, but it was high enough that getting up there without any kind of power was improbable. While the two of them prepared to set themselves up for an easier time taking out the boss, Geist was using his telekinesis and telepathy to further demoralize and incapacitate several of the remaining thugs. The sound of many guns exploding, which was distinctly different from the sound of gunfire, and the resultant cry of the thugs reached them, even if they couldn't see what was going on. Whatever he was actually doing, it appeared to be working, and so Lexi wasn't complaining. “Are you ready, Rain?” Lexi asked, risking a peek around the column to see several of the thugs laying down and clutching wounded hands, if they weren't unconscious entirely. She made a mental note to ask her teammate what he had done to cause that much damage, though she had an idea that it had something to do with blocking the barrels of the firearms. “I'm ready when you are. So just start running to me.”