Work in progress seems to be popular so here we go. :P Basic Information - WIP [hider= Diescogito Khan] Name: Diescogito Khan Age: 22 Sex: male Birthplace: Talerium (A foreign realm if this is OK, I will go into more detail tomorrow when I have no work) Profession: Hunter/Falconer Caste: Yeoman Physical Description: [img=] Character Story: Diēscogitō was born among the Clan of Dray in the distant southern land of Talerium, and for most of his life lived the life of the nomadic tribe, and like all in his clan he learned to ride almost as quickly as he did to walk. In those days he belonged to the Uvuljuu of fotia, the largest tribe of the Draythikons. At a young age he was already showing a great aptitude for horse riding. The time he was 13 he was already hunting and learning how to track live game as well as trapping them. He had an older brother named Durance Khan, but he died during a hunt in the northern plains of Talerium, Falling through a frozen river to his death. That event was said to have had an impact on Diēscogitō and from then on he has had a great fear of large bodies of water since he had almost fallen in himself trying to save his brother. From then on Diēscogitō’s would often avoid hunting near large frozen bodies of water. Tragedy would not end there for Diēscogitō however for on his fourteenth birth day his families band was attacked by an enemy group of nomads called the Ereka well his farther and the other men were out on a hunt. Equipment – Combat Weaponry: Primary Secondary Armour: Auxiliary: Abilities – Physical Passive Ability – Name: Passive Ability – Name: Passive Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: Abilities – Magical Passive Ability – Name: Passive Ability – Name: Passive Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: [/hider]