Frances was walking home from her job as an intern at the small music label that had set itself up downtown, although she wouldn't really call it an occupation or even a meaningful internship as much as she'd call it being the glorified receptionist/coffee girl. She got the gig right at the end of university and had just kind of held on to it while she tried to find some other way of employment. Her luck wasn't exactly looking up though, as most Chinese businesses would look down on hiring someone who came from out of the country. She made her way to the small apartment where she lived and saw a package in front of her door, there was a card on top of it in an envelop with the name "Francesca" written on the envelope. Frances picked it up and fumbled with her keys for a bit before opening the door and making her way inside. The apartment was what a real estate agent would call "cozy". The walls were lined with posters from various old movies and bands as well as various photographs displaying some of her old American friends. She walked towards the living room which was trashed as usual and she placed the box on the coffee table before running her hands through her long bleached hair. She threw her light coat on the chair behind her and turned on her antique stereo. [url=]Music[/url] flooded the room as she took the envelope off the box and took out the card written in English. She began to read it [quote]Dear Francesca, How's China been treating you recently? I know you've had trouble there ever since you left the motherland, but I'm hoping to here that it's gotten better. We're all fine back in the good ol' US of A, your mom and dad are doing well and have been waiting to hear from you. But you can do whatever you want, I'm not going to force you to do anything or whatever. Anyway, this thing just came out and I thought you might like it. It's really interesting like those old MMOs but with a contemporary VR twist, it's really cool and you should try it out Francesca, maybe we can get together using it or something. Sincerely, Vincent[/quote] Frances put the card aside and opened the box, taking out the slightly smaller box with the words [i]Morpheus Online[/i] printed on it. She examined the box but didn't want to try it just yet, maybe she'll wait until the sun goes down.