Okay boys and girls! Hope everything's in order here! Create a Hero RPG Application Character you have created: Elijah Stoker Alias: Inferno Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Green, bolded as Inferno Character Alignment: Walking the Line Identity: Secret, though those in the demonic and angelic communities know it Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): Elijah in straightforward, when he goes to do something he does it, beat down a gang of thugs, rip through any obstacles to save people or preserve safety in what he sees as his city. And he doesn't pull his punches too often. He stays calm more often then not, but when he does lose his cool, becomes aggravated, it causes him to act and think more rashly. His (lapsed)catholic upbringing had instilled the base values of right and wrong. He tries to keep to himself as to limit targets for his enemies, he knows there are entities among the infernal ranks who would use people against him for their own ends. Not to say that he doesn't talk to people, but he tries to prevent as many casualties as he can. Uniform/costume: [img]http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/3879/infernoredesign2.png[/img] Origin Info/Details: Elijah Stoker was born different, he is not wholey human. He is what is called a cambion, half human and half demon. In fact he is the son of Satan, The Devil, The Accuser and the Prince of Lies. Created through dark magic millenia ago by Lucifer the Fallen Angel of God to walk on Earth because he could not. Trapped in Hell, waist deep in a lake of frozen blood. And so Satan is free of these restraints, while he is part of Lucifer he is another entity and can walk the streets of this world. Looking to do for Hell, the Damned and Himself what the Christ Figure did for Heaven, the Blessed and Yaweah, Satan set about seeking the right woman to bear his seed, the Anti-Christ. He was not alone, smaller, less powerful demons where, over time, able to leave the confines of hell, spreading the evils of the world that men do now. This was what lead him through the eosn to Lucia Stoker. Sitting alone in a bar, a good, though lapsed, Christian woman. Using but his charm, good looks and less overt methods he seduced her and impregnated her with the Anti-Christ. Nine months later Elijah Stoker was brought into the world a healthy bay boy. She never know who it really was that she had spent that night with, but she continued on into life raising the little boy, who despite his demonic heritage was unremarkable, he was normal for a human boy. He went to school, he had friends. One might say this was either due to the love of God repressing the hell spawn in him or the darkness just waiting to reach the surface at the right time. Soon though, all of that will change, with the recent upswing in "weird" things, Elijah's dark heritage might just come to claim him. Dark things are brewing, clouds are growing dark on the horizon. Hero Type (Select one): Supernatural Power Level (Select one below): B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops) Powers (Be Specific): --Pyrokinesis --Winged flight [Fold up or disapear when not used] --Night vision --Resistance to heat/fire --Super strength --Limited maleability, able to shift the shape of his armor --Evolution: Elijah's powers, armor and demonic form evolve and become stronger as he becomes more experienced with them, somewhat like a catepillar turning into a moth. Attributes (Select one at each category): Human/Demonic Form Strength Level: Normal Human/70 tons Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 70 MPH. Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours Agility: 10X Human level. Intelligence: Average Fighting Skill: Untrained[will receive training] Resources: Average Weaknesses: --His family and his friends, to go after them he will exhibit rash behavior in effort to save them. --Removing his hood in demon form, while impossible for anyone without super strength, will drive Elijah into a beserker state and eventual unconsciousnessbefore reverting to his human form. Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?): -Mitchell Darwin: Elijah's best friend and former co worker, he checks in on him just about every day to be sure Eli is still afloat -Lucia Stoker: Elijah's mother, a saintly woman with no idea who her son's father really is -The Grim Reaper/Mr Valdis: The Grim Reaper, and Elijah's self appointed mentor, he ha a ew secrets that may or may not come up as things around he and Elijah rise up -Kelsey Triggs: Elijah's ex girlfriend and an officer in the NYPD, also Mitch's cousin Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):(From a previous version of the game) I sneak into Jen's apartment through an open window. She near top floor and has a gun. She doesn't really worry about people coming in through it. She's even pulled the gun on me a few times. Before she got used to the idea of finding me in her living room. Still a good idea to knock though. I do just that as I come through the window, three times. We've managed to work that out these past few months. But only recently. I make my way through the front room, just looking around. It may be a bit nosy, but it isn't like I'm going through papers in her desk. My eyes just scan everything that she does have out and therefore, to me, is fair game. I hear the sound of her wet feet make contact with the tile floor as she steps out of the shower after shutting off the water, sliding the door shut behind her, I take a few steps from her desk, waiting patiently for her to enter into the room. It takes her a moment to walk out, doing her hair up in a towel and drying off before dressing herself was something that took time. I wait because I can be patient. I don't give her much warning before I speak. "Jennifer." I say it calmly, no rush, no inflection beyond a greeting. It spooks her regardless. I was standing out of her line of sight, so its not like I didn't see it coming. "Jesus!" She hisses out before turning around. She's dressed in a blue t shirt with NYPD in big, yellow, block lettering , an intersecting NY below that. There's a shield over the left breast. And then she's just wearing a pair of light grey sweat pants, they're baggy and billow around her legs when she walks. "What does New York's Finest have?" Around her, when we talk, I try to be different than myself. To further separate my personas and make a it harder to think Elijah Stokes and the dangerous nighttime menace called Inferno were the same. "Anything we can use?" I move so that we circle each other. Not antagonistic, but in this space it is the easiest way to move around and keep from being in the other's way or knocking something over. She gets into the papers and folders I'd just been skimming over before tossing them onto the coffee table for me to read. I reach out with a claw and begin to less skim more read through them, sadly I cant take these with me and worse I don't have a photographic memory, thinking about it now maybe I should find a way to carry a small camera with me. Maybe later. What I get from these new reports is that there's definitely some old black magic stuff going on. Murder, vandalism, some robberies, most these crimes are fitting into patterns reminiscent of rituals and spells from books dating to at least the 15th century. I actually have picked up a few books from Alexsei's shop. Just for reference. I finished with the notes and hand them back to Jennifer. She's probably been talking but realized half way through that I wasn't paying attention and stopped. Looking at me somewhat contemptuously. "Apologies, officer." A genuine tone in my voice. She could be sharing something important and I'd miss it. Not to mention ignoring someone who you have a symbiotic relationship of some kind with is not a good idea. "Go on." "As I was saying," Yup, she's annoyed. I seemed to do that easily with her. "This is some pretty heavy stuff," She waves around her own, apparently newer copy of a book I have back at my place. Mine is old and cracked leather, pages that might be older than the actual binding. Her's cant be more than ten years old. "Lots of it looked like chicken scratch you see in movies." True, it was almost scary how accurate Hollywood was with this stuff sometimes. It was no wonder some movies get cursed. "I picked that off the internet and flipped through it." I feel she's leading up to the same thing I'd noticed going through the papers she'd handed me not 5 minutes ago. "Some..old witchcraft stuff." Oddly comfortable around a 6'3'' vigilante who is clearly more than just human. I chalk it up to how regularly we've been seeing each other like this. Most seem a little more uneasy around me. "I'll look into it. Check my sources." Which were much more vast in this region of expertise than her's likely were. "You should be careful." Don't know how many times I've told her this. Its important when dealing with these things to be careful, dangerous stuff magic. Has gotten a lot of people killed and worse. "Cop in New York City, I would have never thought to be careful." She's being sarcastic. And so I get her point. "You really want to be careful with this stuff. It's...sacrificial, ritualistic..dark magic. Like you said this is heavy." About a half hour later I'm running rooftops to one of the scenes of the robbery. It wasn't obvious to someone who isn't looking for it, but there was black magic in use there. That might be a good lead. This girl might be my first lead up to these murders.