[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/22288/posts/ooc]A similar rp that was made before this, my rp is just a plan B incase the first doesn't take off[/url] While I haven't fleshed out an actual plot, the closest thing I have to one is something similar to the Red Lantern Invasion arc from the Green Lantern Animated series. Feel free to suggest a plot. If we go for the RLI plot, then anyone can be a Red Lantern although you would be unintelligent and mindless except if you're Atrocitus(I might be him if that's ok with everyone), to be a sane Red Lantern you must be forced into the Blood Ocean on the Red's Homeworld by either Atrocitus or another intelligent Red. While in this ocean they are forced to live the horrible incident to made them a Red Lantern. If you wish to be in any corp other than the Green or Red Lanterns you may do so, though Black and White are off limits, Larfleeze(heh) may or not be available, this is up to everyone.