Name: Minata "Mina" Scrios Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: Mina has a pale skin, white hair and red eyes. She is often seen as an albino, but she isn't an albino at all. She has a slender body and is limber and flexible, but she doesn't lack in strength. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [hider= Another picture, her skin is a bit more pale though] [IMG][/IMG][/hider] Position: Knife thrower Powers: Bone manipulation. She can manipulate the bones in her body and regenerate them very fast. She has a tail, made of bones, but hides it under her clothes. Personality: Mina was a very outgoing child when she was growing up, but grew silent, harsh and a bit disturbing during her time growing up. She is a bit cold and spends most of her time with the animals. If she isn't with the animals she is in her room, drawing or training. She doesn't trust people easily, but once she does she can warm up to them and open up a whole lot. She never uses the word "hate" anymore and if she hears somebody that does she will lash out at them. She (tries) only to feed on hateful souls, but can't always control herself when a delicious soul passes by. Background info: Mina grew up in a loving family and had a good childhood. She had good friends, got good grades in school and led a happy life. She had nothing to complain about, basically. Once she entered the last grade in elementary school she started to get bullied a bit, because of her tendency of getting good grades. She had nothing to be bullied about, but children were very cruel to her because she read a lot of books and got good grades. Mina was glad when she left school, only to find children in high-school were even more cruel than the ones on elementary school. She grew secluded and silent, she didn't go outside much anymore and spend most of her time drawing dark, disturbing pictures or gaming. Once she reached the age of 18 she had enough of it and once she encountered the carnival she gladly took the opportunity to get rid of every hateful person in her life. Once she lost everything though, she felt like she had little left to live for. She abandoned her life to join the carnival as an animal tamer and has been there ever since. Wish: Her wish was that everybody she hated, truly hated, disappeared from her life. She didn't want to see them anymore, nor speak to them anymore. Her wish was successful, but worked a bit too well. Everybody that had remotely annoyed her, friends she had joked around with by saying "OMG I hate you", they all vanished from her life in one way or another. Some died, some suddenly stated they hated her and never spoke to her again, some simply vanished or moved away. Eventually she was left alone and had no reason to stick around, joining the carnival. Bonds to other characters: None at the moment ^^ Weapons: She uses her bones as weapons most of the time, but also carries around a few blades and a single katana. Name: Nychta Darkesh Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider= Multiple pictures] [IMG][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/hider] [hider= When her demonic side takes over] [img][/img][/hider] Position: Beast tamer Powers: Blood manipulation and energy manipulation. Personality: Nychta is very sweet, a bit ignorant even at times. She is timid and skittish, but can be very open to people when she trusts them. Background info: Nychta grew up quite lonely. She was an only child, her father had left their family when she was only three years old and her mother worked around the clock. Her mother was a successful fashion-designer, so she was rarely home, but Nychta was never mistreated. In her lonely state she found comfort in her pets, two dogs she was given on her fifth birthday. The creatures brought her so much comfort, she decided later on to make working with animals her job. At the age of 15 she was working at a zoo as animal care-taker and took great pride in it, despite not really needing the money. After about a year and a half she found she just didn't connect to the animals as she did with her own pets. Hearing about the man that could grant wishes, she searched for Hagger and requested to be more in tune with animals, to understand them better and work with them better. She was granted her wish, given a more animistic side and for a while all went well. One day though, her animistic side awakened more and turned up to be a demonic spirit that held many animal forms. Every animal she encountered feared her, even her beloved pets. Having lost the only thing she actually loved in her life, she felt no need to stay. She returned to Hagger in an attempt to have him take back the curse he placed upon her, but when that was said to be impossible she decided to travel with the carnival. That way she wouldn't hurt anybody accidentally. Wish: Her wish was to be more in contact with animals, due to her job, but her wish turned into a curse. Bonds to other characters: Hmm, nothing at the moment, but I'd like somebody ^^ Weapons: A katana, claws, she has a dragonic tail as well.