A niggling at the edges of Skallagrim’s consciousness, a fear, an uncertainty called to him. Turning his attention from the woman Keezheekoni and towards the warrior Talon and his warband, the Dreamer reached out through the darkness, his thoughts wrapped around the man,[b] “Come to me Talon, come and address your concerns to me.”[/b] With a wave of his hand space compressed in the vast halls of the Nexus as the Burning Wings, poised to go through a doorway were back before the Dreamer. [b]“I sense uncertainty in you Talon. Come reveal your fears to me that I may understand them.”[/b] Skallagrim said as he raised a shimmering wall of energy around them, showing Talon the entirety of the multiverse in a single instant. [b]“I am capable of understanding much, but in you I sense loss as well. Why do you mourn? Why do you feel the way you do? Are you not blessed to live your life focused on your world and your life? Would you prefer to stay here, amongst the dark halls, the forgotten dreams and watch the vast potential of all life play out before you? Would you prefer to stand watch here among the shadowed and dream alongside the eternal?”[/b] Skallagrim focused on the 200 men behind Talon, then his gaze flooded the man before him in a dazzling glow of energy, [b]“You shall live forever, never dying, and eternal as long as the Dreamers possess the Nexus.”[/b] Facing Keezheekoni, he said [b]“Your life may play out as you wish. If you want to balance the great wheels of fate, go, hide amongst the darkest shadows, and hunt among the ruins for a small machine. It possess a great and terrible power, one that can alter every thread in the multiverse, find the lost omnicron and preserve it. You will find among the forgotten relics that bound a terrible dream. Find it in the great ruins of the prison that once held the Nightmare who Walks. Beware though for your strength lies in hiding the artifact, not employing it.”[/b]