[quote=Vortex] Russia annexed ukraine, so it's too late tore claim it. If they wanted to keep it they should have just kept it [/quote] ...You do realize it wasn't all of Ukraine, right? Just that little peninsula at the bottom? [quote=Pepperm1nts] @Dervish: Nope.Still think Russia was wrong in invading. Still think the referendum was illegal.Crimea was part of Ukraine. It doesn't matter if it's only been a few decades, of if half of its citizens were ethnic Russians. Crimea was, at that point in time, rightly Ukrainian. [/quote] [quote=Dervish] Crimea is heavily ethnic Russian, seeing as it was given to Ukraine in the early 1950s by Khrushchev when the USSR was having its hay day. [B]While I don't exactly agree with Russia invading [I]another nation's sovereign territory[/I][/B] and setting up a speedy and probably fixed referendum ... I'm not saying I agree with what Russia's doing and I dislike their government something fierce [/quote] Juuuuust in case you missed it, 'cause you seem to think I don't recognize that Russia's invading another country and claiming a portion of its sovereign territory as its own.