Although Booker had done his best to tune out the loud woman, he had been taken away from his thinking as she called out to him in a none-too-friendly way. A look of surprise came over his face as he stopped walking and turned to the two, seeing that the boy had placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. he didn't know why she was so angry, but he wasn't going to ask any question about it, only watch. With her outburst, many more people had left the room, but Booker stayed and walked over to the pair. It had gotten even more quiet as the rest of the people left, and he was able to hear the young man introduce himself. Booker didn't know how the man could still be around the woman, and he assumed that it was possible that they knew each other before hand and he had gotten used to her. It was the only conclusion he had come to so far, but he knew that it wasn't the only one that was possible. A small smile replaced the look of surprise, but the smile looked... hollow. His eyes were still as blank as ever, but his face had a smile on it. It didn't seem forced in any way, but the smile just looked so odd. The smile quickly left, and his entire face was back to it's blank state once more. "You wanted to talk? Follow me, then. I want to take a look around the academy, and we can talk as I do so." He didn't wait for an answer from them as he left to his own devices. He didn't care if they went with him or not, and he would accept the decision that they would make. If they chose to stay with him, then he would continue to talk to them as he toured around. If not, then he would simply walk around and put all of his focus into observing the area around him. --- As nightfall approached, Booker made his way to the ballroom, where he would be staying for the night until the teams would be assigned.