Ana and Sura leaned up against the wall as Maarcuu went on about the race. From what Ana could tell, it would be a useful diversion for when she went to talk to Rectja. A smile crept its way onto her face, obscured by the cigar that stuck out from the corner of her mouth. Oh, this was going to be quite the eventful week, indeed. Already, she'd been shot out of space, been in a gunfight with some cops, blown a few holes in some goons, and made a backdoor deal with a crimelord. And it had only been a few hours since the wedding, if even that. Meanwhile, Sura was more sour than the cyborg next to her. She'd seen what went on in these races, what people went through to be in that race and to win that race. Sponsors would go to great lengths to get their racers into the top three. Saboteurs in pit crews, bombs beneath speeders, mines on the tracks, snipers on the rooftops. Sura has personal experience on the last one. Gotten one guy out of first so that Rectja could win his bets once more. They both spoke up at the same time, but Ana gave the alien a look that said "Shut the fuck up" and continued. "You shouldn't worry anything about finding a sponsor, Doc!" she called after him, the turned back to Maarcuu. "On behalf of Cassius Industries, I would be happy to represent you as your sponsor for the race," she said, giving a little bow to him. "It will get you into the race, and allow me to get close to Rectja, even if you don't win." Arus then stepped up, and gave a little cough to try and get everyone's attention. When she had it, she fidgeted around for a moment before finally speaking up. "You're gonna want to have protection, too. Traps will probably be all over the track, snipers to take out first and second place on command." She fell silent, staring down at the floor. "Just thought to warn you, s'all," she muttered, backing away towards the wall to get out of the others' attention. Ana shrugged, then turned to the rest. "So, anything else we should know before I head off to grab some more booze, or is this all the groundbreaking news we've got for one day?"