[u]Lidda[/u] Lidda noted the man seemed paranoid by her while he watched her carry out her task. However it could’ve been because of what she just did or her appearance, not that she could really tell. When the checkup ended the man said his good byes before he decided to leave, obviously uncomfortable about being contacted by a Golem. She could understand and was guilty of herself when she first arrived, namely because most people within Eania believed it was evil to jerk a soul and trap it within a state of unnaturalness made from any material. Though in time she had gain a different view with her talks with Uicle and came to respect the magic just as much as she did her own. The thought of her own suddenly made the woman realize what time it was. The day was getting along and soon her classes needed to their teacher, the fact she was still here didn’t help. After the man left, she decided it was time for her to go too. Her head turned back to Aruna, her lips transformed into a smile. “Aruna, stay out of trouble and no more running into rakes!” To Sam, she said her goodbyes before she headed out the door. Her body shifted to one just to keep from running head long in the newest arrival, a red haired student, who entered the medical wing. Lidda noticed she looked slightly dead on her feet, Sam’s concerned form approached her. Lidda managed to catch Sam’s last words to the new patient, just as she vanished down the hall and headed to her classes. “What’s the matter and how can I help you, Ms…?”