[quote=Driananium] Sure, I think I can make that work. Was the woman planning on joining the quest? I just need to know so I can plan to be an escort or plan to find some way to leave her or something to that effect. If not I can always step in somewhere during the next battle or anything else. I'm pretty patient. Also what's the combat system like here. What it seems is that someone takes a swing at someone and the GM decides if it hits. Is that right or am I imagining things? [/quote] If she lives, I was thinking she'd join. Of course, her survival is looking pretty iffy at the moment. ;) I try to do my best to allow the player controlling the target of the attack decide if the hit lands or not. This tends to work well most of the time. So if it's against your character, you get to decide the degree of success or failure of the attack.