[b] [u] Alaira Taenn [/u] [/b] Well, Alaira knew that. She'd fought enough Eysires to quite familiar with the breath weapon. She wasn't aware that there was a psychomancy one however. She listened to him talk a bit for a moment about how he didn't really want to hurt anyone. To that, she laughed a bit. [b]"Well, aren't you just a big softie. Big, bad, lizard man just wants to get along."[/b] She said, smug smirk plastered on her face. [b]"The little bastard got himself into that, bothering that Naga. That's how it works, idiots get themselves hurt when they decide to be stupid. 'course, by the way those two were looking at each other after that I'd say you may have just set some crazy things up to happen."[/b] Did she think the guy deserved death? No, but he certainly should have gotten roughed up quite a bit. She was about to needle the poor guy for a little longer when... [i]she[/i] arrived. Ssarak may have noticed that at Satori's presence, Alaira had stopped smiling, and her hand seemed to be hovering near a holster for a utility knife. Alaira hated this woman, hated her voice, hated the way she looked at her, hated how she just... [i]appears[/i] whenever you least expected it, and she hated her gods-damn hair too. Then she spoke. When Satori turned to address Alaira, her eyes narrowed in annoyance. [i]'Oh, no beating people up for no reason. now don't forget to wipe or button your pants' I get it! Damn it...[/i] she thought. However, then she felt it. that horrible migraine again. With a cry of pain she fell to a knee, clutching her head. [b]"Stopstopstop get outta my head!"[/b] she said through gritted teeth as she clutched her head, as if she was trying to keep something from exploding out of her skull.