Landon was about to lean in and sneak a quick kiss with Katrina, when the music stopped suddenly. Confused, Landon pulled his head back and saw a figure dash up to the stage. A familiar voice came over the microphone and a set of spotlights focused in a smiling, swaying brunette in a skin-tight red dress. "Oh god," Landon laughed. "What does she have planned?" Katrina stood behind him with a grin on her face, watching Kaelyn go through with the dance competition as planned. What wasn't expected, however, was when Kaelyn announced that they would be participating in the contest, as would she. Landon and Katrina knew all of the other selected nominees on a more or less personal level, so both were anxious to see how this little contest would play out in the end. The sea of people receded to form a circle of space around Kathryn the cheerleader and her gargantuan boyfriend Lee Evans, the point guard. They stood in front of each other. Their mouths were moving, but it was impossible to discern what they were saying. In a few seconds, with Kaelyn's cue, the first [url=]track[/url] began to play. After the first measure of the song, everyone knew it was "Burn," but instead of Ellie Goulding's voice, an FSU senior came up to the mic and began to sing the vocal, hitting every note perfectly. Despite their drastic height difference, Kathryn and Lee had good harmony when the danced together. The way the moved around each other, grinded slowly but momentarily, placed their hands on each other, let go, and circled around again was mesmerizing to watch and before everyone knew it, the song came to a close and the crowd cheered for the duo. Landon leaned toward Katrina, who was at his side. "That'll be hard to beat," he said in a low voice. "Do you happen to know what the third song is?" "Nope," she replied with a happy-go-lucky attitude about it. "Mmm, but I hope it's upbeat." Landon chuckled and turned back to the circular space in the center to which Erica and Ryan were already heading. Landon was surprised the two had come to the dance as a couple. Both of them had claimed to be "just friends," but the way they danced on one another to [url=]Animals[/url] suggested that there were definitely some benefits mixed into their relationship.  Landon’s heart began to beat faster in anticipation of his and Kaelyn’s turn. What would their song be? Would they do well? Landon wasn’t all the concerned with winning this silly contest, even if Kaelyn was in it too. He was more worried about not looking like an idiot in front of the entire college. Out of nowhere, the music stopped and Landon refocused on what was going on in the middle. The crowd cheered for Erica and Ryan, who seemed to be more interested in each other at this point. When it came time for them to leave, Landon saw Ryan grab her hand and lead her to the exit. Now it was their turn. Katrina, the brave girl that she was, stepped forward first and gently took Landon’s hand and led him to the center of the circle. There was a murmur of anticipation among the crowd as they gazed upon one of the most famous couples at school. Some people were confused to see them together, as there was a rumor going around that they had broken up. But, that was only half true in reality… Landon himself was still unsure about how to label his relationship with Katrina, as well as Kaelyn. Katrina turned toward the DJ with a devious smile. “Do your worst!” she shouted, which cause an uproar of cheers from the spectators. The DJ nodded at her and fiddled around with the machinery at his table. There was a brief silence, then the [url=]music[/url] began. Katrina took a step forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. In response, Landon placed his hands around her waist and drew her in close. “Just let me lead you,” Katrina whispered in his ear as they swayed with one another. “Take a look past our innocence…” the song went. “Take a step back to yesterday… When life would move slower, we would never grow up. All we knew that love was for when we’re older… Anything could happen, secretly imagine, they could never tear us apart, too young to fall.” Meanwhile, Landon and Katrina danced together slowly, staring deep into each other’s eyes. “This is our story,” the song and crowd sang together. “That we could take back some day. Our lonely glory, that we could get back, they said.” The song slowly rose in complexity from that point, and it was evident that there would be some kind of beat drop approaching. Landon and Katrina adjusted their dancing accordingly. When the beat did drop, the two of them released one another and began to dance freely, letting the beat flow through them without obstruction. Their movements were perfectly in sync. As they danced, however, Landon’s eye caught a glimpse of Kaelyn, and a rush of uneasiness surged in his stomach. But he didn’t stop. He continued to dance with Katrina until the very end, but throughout the entire song his mind was on Kaelyn… “This is our story,” the crowd cheered out with ecstasy as they danced. Finally, after about five minutes of nonstop movement, the song came to a close, and the a roar of applause and shouts came from the partygoers. Landon and Katrina both smiled at them; Landon bowed, and Katrina gave a curtsy with an invisible, longer dress. Then, the two of them humbly walked off to the side for Kaelyn and her partner.