Oh gods. He's talking directly to me. Oh my god he sounds upset. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. *Click* [i]Kholodny Zima, you know that cutting the tie only lasts for so long. As long as you live, you and I are connected. I will give you courage, though you must take it yourself. Also, do try and watch your language a little.[/i] Yeah. Yeah okay. We'll do that. Taking a deep breath, Kholodny allows Stribog to meld with him to a higher degree, filling his body with a cold courage, his eyes becoming a glowing, radiant blue. It's not enough to fully stop his leg from shaking, that would require Stribog almost fully taking over at this point, and right now it's about 70/30 percent Kholodny to Stribog. But it cuts the stammer and thats a hell of a lot better than nothing. Stribog would love for Kholodny to do this by himself, but as he is now, Skallagrim may honestly make him piss himself, and we can't have that. That's an awful first impression. [b]"So be it. You want me to take a quest? I'm not sure if I'm cut out for something like this, but I will try. Its either that, or have to deal with you getting angry at me, and somehow I feel like that's by far the worst of the two options." [/b] So, with the three options in front of him, Kholodny Zima is forced to make a choice. Though, if life experience has taught him anything, its that there is always at least one more option that is explicitly stated. He glances at the girl. There's always at least one more option.