From less than a few feet behind her a voice chimed up, it was masculine and rather hushed. An assassin! Was just about all the thought that she had put into it before raising her baseball bat upwards again, she took a quick backstep with a twist. Swinging her bat around with all of her weight behind it, but before striking him she let her arms go limp. The air about him was incredibly cold, like, actually cold. Holy shit, the air around this dude was cold! "Hey you! You're cold, it's gross, but you're actually cold!" The bat lowered to her side and she brought up her left hand. "Name's Keezheekoni, call me Keezi. This guy here is a Skeleton dude, he told me that I should probably go do something that'll save the world." The bat wielding hand raised upwards and pointed to Skallagrim with the bat. The guy was literally shaken up about all this though. She couldn't even tell if he was looking at her right now. Skallagrim had sort of just yelled at him, or raised his voice or something. The guy's almost as perplexing as her feral patron god, so she didn't really know how to read him. Showing a shaky dude like this a dragon. What's he gonna do, kill it? He's cold, and that's about all she's seen of him. Though he could be here on the same kind of mission as her. Oh my god! This guy could also have a mission, and he was sent to be her sidekick. Fate demanded it! "So, now that I've made introductions, Captain Cold. I'm gonna ask you what your name is, and whether you want to go on an adventure with me to save the universe or something. Alright?" Her attitude about this whole ordeal was rather self centered, officially seeing this as her chance to be a 'main character' in her own story. A story for the ages, to be told at tables where legendary heroes sit and drink booze. Ah booze, that sounds real good right now. She turned around and looked at Skallagrim, who by this point was visibly angry. Or sort of. He has no face, so the anger is sort of assumed. "Hey, Boney-guy. Can I bring Coldilocks with me to save the world?" The cold man would either be a super cool team up of fire and ice, or a huge mistake on her part. By bringing along a guy whose teeth are rattling in either fear or cold, or any combination of the two. "Also, I do still need info on the whole Omicron thing. I need a description, it could be super vague, but I need something to work with here." After that thought something started to happen. Easiest way to explain this is to ask you this question. You ever see Sailor Moon? You know that little transformation sequence where they glow real bright and then get more powerful? Yeah, something like that. Except, her body didn't change much. She did get quite a bit more toned physically, in fact she could say that she was ripped right about now. Not in the bulging ripply sort of muscle, but now she had definitely increased in muscle mass. At least twenty pounds more of the stuff. And her bat was noticeably heavier, it was clearly not regulation now. The heat that she radiated was a lot stronger, even with her skilled control over this temperature she was scalding hot to the touch. Keezheekoni likes this new change. A voice rang out in her head, sending a message directly to her from wherever gods lie. [i]"You are my champion, as such, you need more power to combat the champions of others. I fare the good fortune."[/i] And then it went silent. "Neat."