Frey felt like saying something else to express the thankfulness he harbored for not being thrown off of the dragon, but he was cut off. As Asbel quipped with attitude, Frey huffed out in annoyance. When he was mean to the phoenix, he was chasited. When he was kind to the phoenix, he was told to stop. He was going to lose either way! It was like Asbel was a married woman, just looking to be angry. "Listen, flame-brains, I was trying to say 'thank you'! Damn, and you wonder why I'm mean to you!!" Frey shouted over the wind to make himself heard as he brushed Asbel's hands from his waist. He couldn't help but feel cold after that. "You need to get over yourself," Frey began, realizing this might be his only chance to lecture someone. Plus, since they were airborne, Asbel was trapped! "You get to be worshipped by so many people just 'cause you're a Phoenix. You get defensive when I was teasing you, but now that I try to say something nice you tell me to stop! What's your issue?" He hissed before glaring forward to Augustine. "Shut up! You have a damn dragon to drive, so eyes forward, you toy soldier!" Frey jested. After that, his regular demeanor was back, and Frey was more irritated than ever. However, his bad mood was the least of their worries. They were close to the Snap Spires, but there was a big storm that stretched from one edge of his vision all the way to the other. Every so often, lightning would drop down. The clouds were incredibly dark and heavy looking. It looked like... it was alive, and going to zap them!