June 6th 2114 Day "Idiots." Chie sipped juice as she walked down the street. Her day at school had been filled with the faculty reprimanding her. And for what? She did her schoolwork, it was easy. She didn't have trouble with any of it at all. She behaved in class, unless someone acted stupid enough that she couldn't resist commenting on it. It was all because of how she had dressed. Of course there was a uniform in place for school, but why should that stop her from dressing as Cure Cent, of the Century Precure! It was Pretty Cure's one-hundred-and-tenth anniversary... and while it was nearly impossible to get the hair right, Chie had bought an incredibly accurate costume. The shorts, the poofy skirt, the bracelets, everything! She had bought the best Cure Cent outfit available... and the stupid school faculty yelled at her for it. It was their loss, she supposed, for not appreciating Pretty Cure. However, the young girl's mind quickly turned to a different subject. There was that new game... and, naturally, she had obtained a copy of it. It wasn't difficult for her at all. She sipped more juice as she strolled along. So... she would play it while sleeping, and... truly, the first course of action would be to decide what race and class to play. Chie was naturally concerned with what would be most fun and most advantageous in gameplay. She was predisposed towards mages, so perhaps a race that worked well with such a class... Even though she didn't immediately show it, Chie was excited.